I've already made the refund request.
To tell you the truth I'm not happy you did that without consulting us. A quote from OP:
In case of non-delivery:
I (waldohoover) take no responsibility for the possibility that HashFast does not deliver. I (waldohoover) have done what I consider a thorough due diligence but as we all know, you can never 100% guarantee anything when it comes to pre-orders.
Refunds will be given in case of non-delivery less 3% for management of the Group Buy.
This group buy will be refunded if the miners are not delivered- share holders can elect to wait further.
That would not be my preferred option about what should we do. You took big responsibility on your shoulders with that decision, I don't want to be rude but I'm holding you responsible for the outcome since I'm convinced we will get only 1/5 of payed BTC back. What will you tell me if that happens to be the outcome - "Sorry, itod, I was wrong"? Who will pay for lawyers to get the rest of the BTC back?
We absolutely shouldn't have asked for the refund before we have written or oral (recorded) confirmation from HF how much BTC will be refunded. I've stated that in at lest two posts in this thread, and every time you've selected to ignore that request to get that information. I still can't comprehend why you, Waldo, as a > 100.000US$ HF customer haven't insisted to discuss the refund amount from some high HF official. No offense, but I think it's careless behavior with possible ugly outcome for all of us. If I'm wrong about all these I'll be first to apologize to you.