I can't see how anyone can trust Alpha. It's obvious they knew about the problem months ago. If they only found out recently, where all all the finished enclosures, stacks of PCBs and boxes of PSUs? They should be sitting in a manufacturing facility somewhere waiting for the chips, to SHIP IN JULY.
However you slice it Alpha are playing you. They have been caught in lie after lie, but like an abusive husband keep repeating the same mantras, "this is for your own good", "you should be lucky to have me", "no one else would treat you this good", "I don't WANT to punish you but you leave me no choice" oh and the final insult "if you're going to accuse me of something, YOU need to prove it"
Quote from: wakirksey on Today at 06:57:49 AM
They are only offering us customers shares in the company in a vain attempt to save the company from bankruptcy and unless they are willing to make major changes in their policies and there Terms of Acceptance then this company is doomed.
Fiaz Malik
« Reply #49 on: Today at 11:55:08 AM »
Re: An Opportunity For Miners to Become An Integral Part of Alpha Technology
Prove this ridiculous statement and if you can't you've said you've piece leave it at that.
« Last Edit: Today at 12:06:39 PM by Fiaz Malik »
Ok Alpha give us the info and we WILL prove it. Fiaz has said you will not get access to any company information until AFTER you vote on this proposal. What use is that? How can customers be expected to make an informed decision? With the tissue of lies Alpha have offered in the past you are now just supposed to take their word that everything is fine and you are all going to make millions?
And now Fiaz is once again re-writing history, playing with the truth and outright lying.
Fiaz Malik
Re: An Opportunity For Miners to Become An Integral Part of Alpha Technology
« Reply #51 on: Today at 12:03:56 PM »
As far as the terms questions go if you want to get technical:
1: Payment methods only referred to the deposit technically. LIE. From Alpha's T&Cs: Deposit payment and final payment can be paid through different payment options, e.g. deposit can be paid with Bitcoins, and end payment with Bank Transfer
2: As we are asking for payment now and ship in September we are asking for payment 8-10 before shipment technically. LIE They first asked for payment 22nd of May, 10 weeks ago TODAY. If they do not ship TODAY they are in breach of their T&Cs
But this is besides the point, we are a company that provides goodwill to our customers this is just a fact. LIE A fact is something you can prove, Alpha have proven nothing apart from the FACT that they are liars
If we were a 'technical' company we would have retired at 90Mh/s and final payment and you all would have been left out to dry: fact. TRUE But you would have gone bankrupt so lets not pretend you were being generous here.
Setting aside the MASSIVE technical challenges of what Alpha are proposing. If they are not willing to stop lying and be ABSOLUTELY TRANSPARENT, I cannot see how any customer can take them seriously. Without highly detailed and possibly sensitive information, the sort of thing any private investor would require as part of standard due diligence, this is just another "TRUST US, EVERYTHING'S A-OKAY" from Alpha. And those have worked out so well in the past