Well that's nice for you to not have to worry about money and be able to gamble with it so recklessly. Most here aren't in that position.
I have made a very tidy sum mining and trading BTC, LTC and PPC. I haven't lost a penny on any get rich quick scams though So I'm guessing my overall return % is far greater that yours.
I hope people read what you just posted and see the mindset and thinking it takes to "invest" in this. By all means recklessly gamble your way through life. But anyone here who plays blackjack will know a reckless player no matter how lucky will eventually lose his shirt to the house. You may be able to afford to do that. Most people here can't.
You are missing a bit of my point.
First - I'm not reckless. If I was reckless, would I be so in the green? Think about that. You think I'm just "lucky"? I spend time researching and use intuition to a great length, that last part is hard for people to grasp. Hence my rational and such comments above.
I guess I can't argue the gambling part, but any of us are in the same boat here.
My point is in people coming on here and telling those that have bought of the risk we are taking. No Shit, we get that and have been hearing that for a long time.
It almost seems like you think we don't know what chances we are taking. Are you here to rescue us, or is it the other way around, since you like to use the words like "recklessly" to label something you can't grasp?
As I said, I live a very simple life, I don't make much money at all. 1600 or so Euro for the 5MH/s unit is a lot of money to me, but it is coming from profits. That isn't exactly "reckless".
You can't put us all into a box.
Brother, I think you're missing my point. Not everyone is like you. You've been around a while, grown profits, banked some and invested others. That's good, absolutely the way to play this and I commend you for that. BUT there are going to be a lot of people putting this on their credit cards and crossing their fingers. Remember how many people came crying to this forum when Payonix scammed them?
Most people taking this risk are doing it in the hopes of massive profits. They WILL NEVER SEE THEM. In fact they will be lucky to ever see a working product. This needs to be pointed out. Once all the facts are on the table then by all means make an INFORMED choice. But don't roll the dice and hope for a six.
C'mon man you really think I can't grasp this? Of course I can and on my risk scale I think reckless is being generous. Deluded may be more appropriate. You say you research. Tell me five CONCRETE and VERIFIABLE FACTS about this company? If you can't I would say that it is truly reckless to invest. I don't think that's an unreasonable conclusion.
There is really no point going around and around on this. I wish you the best as I would hate to see anyone get taken for a ride. If it pans out I'll be the first to applaud your success. But in the long run people who play with fire in this way will get burned.
- Fair enough. I can totally agree with the first two paragraphs above! I was more defending me. Point taken.
Regarding my "grasp" comment - I was purely talking about using intuition to guide myself in decisions. That is something most can't or won't grasp. I mix it with logic.
To help others out, I'd still like to answer your question - regarding concrete facts. I'd like to add, my concern with this venture is not with it being a scam, rather, as with all the other companies who have come before (minus KNC to a large degree), they haven't met the deadlines. I don't have 5 concrete facts about the companies in question, but I never do. As I stated I do research and use my intuition. The latter is my final decision maker. I'm right way more than wrong using this method. I also haven't done background checks on the people running the companies, but I've looked into the companies. A few concrete facts and points of interest:
1 - Alpha Technology - The big unknown and a worry to a degree (I'd like more info). A new company - I think they started in April of last year!
2 - Dexcel Designs - Great news - They are a reputable company that has been around for 13 years or so. And they state the partnership with Alpha Technology on their website -
http://dexceldesigns.com/news_events.html They must clearly be doing something with Alpha Technology and with the promised updates and transparency, I am not on high alert here - but still cautious.
3 - This thread was started by Alpha Technology on October 19th. Deposit payments (not full payments) started being accepted yesterday, that is around 10 weeks after first mention. Not a huge confidence builder but at least we can say there has been some planning, communication (there has), followups, etc. And related - next point
4 - Alpha Technology - Moving away from the 100% pay up front model to 30% deposit model. This limits our risks in a few ways and is a nice change. Most notably the CEO, Mohammed Akram, has made it clear that we need a transparent process along the way, with videos, updates, etc. As mentioned here -
http://www.coinsigner.com/Blog/alpha-technology-takes-pre-orders-for-litecoin-asic-miners/ If the final payment is 8-10 weeks before delivery and we have a deliver of Q2 or Q3, that means we can conservatively say we expect 4 plus months of updates before final payment. That is a long time in this process. I just don't see it being a complete scam. Why do all the work (or fabricate and lie about it which is tough to get away with in this field)?
That said, I will be sure to make my last payment via Pay Pal (Credit Card) to add some security to my purchase. Hopefully that option doesn't vanish!