I can call amex and cancel the repayment if I want to for 60 days ?
I will play it safe and do it before 45 days
amex said 60 days
some bfl customers got their stuff cancelled from BFL long after 60 days I heard for non-shipping but that was probably because BFL
never replied to Amex ..ie blew them off from what I heard
anyway so what I was told ...by amex rep the day I ordered said 60days
will probably again just do the under 45days if pressed to cancel
still tempted just to keep the dang thing if they can prove they will make one ...even if BFL late and the fall
if such is the case plan on selling some junk in attic to pay for it...hard part here is are they like hashfast all talk or will someone get a unit or two this summer?
but still will probably need more info that I actually WILL get a product of very likely before I keep my order in
they may be just wonderful fellows..but hard to pick the crooks from the champs in all this pre-order stuff the paypal option bodes well on their behalf but gonna have a hard hill to climb to show the goods....BFL and Hashfast and others have scar'd a lot of us
anyway only thing I'm sure of is anything less then 45 days I'm probably ok...,not 100 percent thou they have that refund disclaimer after 30 days not sure how that applies to paypal
anyway show us some stuff that you have the chops alpha tech ..we are or I am a skittish fickle potential customer after last year