With the stated schedule closing in, I think the first wave of refunds is about to start.
People are starting to turn into "concerned customers" on the company forum. (err I mean "trolls" in company speak)
The smaller purchasers haven't seemingly figured out that the Jally and Little Singles are pretty unprofitable the longer they wait to receive them. (after block halving that is). It seems like an inescapable reality that customers will eventually do the math and figure it out.
What BFL will do about it to turn lemons into lemonade is gonna be pretty interesting.
I think the PCB's costs more than the ASIC chips themselves. Probably why they encouraged people turning their Jally's into Little Singles.
so by your definition, less speed = slower ROI?
considering that the 30ghs rig is 50% cheaper then the 60ghs rig, i fail to see how you can get too that conclusion...
how profitable anything is going to be is pure speculation, who knows, with the halving coming the price might double, it could plummit, gpu farms might shut down, etcetcetc...
like i said, speculation
You heard one of BFL representatives stating repeatedly in the last month that they had done the math and the profitability is stretched out over many days. They were referring to a Single SC and a ROI over a significant period of time. (Hence, the pitch that It was a selling point on their "energy efficiency".)
If you cut the performance in half for a Little Single do you expect it to get better? What about even further than that for a Jally?
As difficulty rises, the performance has to rise otherwise a Jally or Little Single produces significantly less as the time frame increases.
Sure it is speculation. But I don't estimate difficulty to go down as time increases. Should I expect it [difficulty] will somehow decrease as time increases? (Let me know)
Perhaps Armageddon or another Super Sized Sandy will hit various regions of the world and people won't be mining to bring up the difficulty. Perhaps a crazy thing like that might keep the difficulty down.