What the lines represent, is actually the curve fitting of a specific series of (at first glance random) numbers over a diagram that represents the price of an asset (in this case BTC). Imagine it like you have a car that follows a specific route while driving in a desert where there's no road at all. The function is a y=f(x) where there are several ways to determine if the car is accelerating or decelerating (usually taking the 1st & 2nd derivatives).
Unfortunately, the case is not as simple as it seems, for most of the assets and/or stocks. Chances are you're reverse engineered the curve right (or a sophisticated program like Matlab did it for you) nevertheless, it seems that most of the time the predictions about the price going north or south is respective to outside of this world factors.
The most intriguing story I've ever read for the last couple of months (maybe more) was the one of
Martin Armstrong who has been successful in predicting several crashes in the past couple of decades while claiming he has found the way to calculate the "circles" history makes. This may sound bogus to people like me and I've even tried to defy it presenting
scientific facts based on Deterministic Chaos theory of Edward Lorenz, but despite my efforts, and contrary to science, his model seems to be working.
If this is happening, and this guy is for real; I really want to meet him for he managed to solve the greatest mystery of the Universe and he deserves a Nobel Prize. This simply works for -literally- EVERYTHING! For what its worth; I'm still watching his space for 2015.75; even though, just today, he tries to
rephrase / clarify his prediction.
Tick Tock...