but after these words how far can this go? and after all said how can i even trust you at this point after you blatantly are not speaking kind words.
how can i pass you 180m and relly on your word again.....? specialy after these last few arent the kindest.
and p.s. PS: If I wanted to run it for one more day and close it i'd shut it down now with the 600,000,000 million in the wallet. Don't insult me. Pool OPs are governed by the same rules as everyone else when it comes to scamming.
that is a threat by every deffinition.
No, a threat would read: PS: If I wanted to run it for one more day and close it i'd shut it down now with the 600,000,000 million in the wallet.
What I wrote is this: PS: If I wanted to run it for one more day and close it i'd shut it down now with the 600,000,000 million in the wallet. Don't insult me. Pool OPs are governed by the same rules as everyone else when it comes to scamming.
^ this is non-threatening, exclaiming that I fall under the same ridicule and deal with the same consequences of a scammer if I were to do that. Its refuting zack's argument of having to "keep tabs" on the pool after a bounty is paid out, which is ridiculous.
If you want to make it right, stop insulting me and mis-interpreting what I'm saying. Offer me a fair bounty (as well to everyone else who will receive a bounty from you and not one so small its offensive (considering you have 3.6 BILLION).