Good lord.
Guys. It says there, right in the tool - it's 1080 and 1080Ti (okay, and now TitanXP) only. Literally.
Your P104-100 will not work. Your P106-100 will not work. Your RX470 will definitely not work.
The tool is for ETHhereum. That's why it's called ETHlargement. That's the joke.
Your shares get reflected at the pool. Wait a few damn hours.
No, this tool isn't responsible for killing your rigs, eating your children, your MyEtherWallet being hacked or your land rates increasing.
If you don't trust OhGodACompany, don't run it.
However: if you DO have a TitanXP, 1080 or 1080Ti that isn't running this tool correctly, please, let us know on GitHub or here. These edge cases are usually due to users not running as root/admin, but, hey, who knows, maybe there's RevC memory wandering out there somwhere.
I understand your post
A tool with huge people intersted will generate that kind of questions.
I think you would put this message to OP lol