[2014-03-15 18:20:06] 6 miner threads started, using 'heavy' algorithm.
[2014-03-15 18:20:06] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://hvcpool2.1gh.com:5333
[2014-03-15 18:20:28] Stratum connection failed: Failed to connect to hvcpool2.
gh.com port 5333: Timed out
[2014-03-15 18:20:28] ...retry after 20 seconds
[2014-03-15 18:21:09] Stratum connection failed: Failed to connect to hvcpool2.
gh.com port 5333: Timed out
[2014-03-15 18:21:09] ...retry after 20 seconds
[2014-03-15 18:22:02] stratum_subscribe timed out
[2014-03-15 18:22:02] ...terminating workio thread
[2014-03-15 18:22:02] workio thread dead, exiting.
whats the problem?..
yes..hvcpool.1gh.com not work for me too! :(what happen between my miner and the host?.