Cryptocoins for people that need gratuitous amounts of freedom!
Sound the alarm because your about to be uncomfortably free.
PRIVATE TRANSACTIONS: you'll be good at them!! RARRRRRRR!!
Youll be so free, Governments will be like SLOWWWWW DOWWWWN and youll be like F@CK YOU and kick them in the face with your FREEDOM LEGS
With all new features like KANGAROO-Twelve!! STABLE BLOCK TIMES!! And
*** MultiSignatureWallets!!***
You've had the Blockchain, now try the BlockTrain
AEON COIN : side effects include UNLIMITED FREEDOM
Use your freedom to fuel SWEET COMMUNIST REVOLUTIONS
"Oh satoshi, why have you forsaken me with Transaction fees?"
When your Coin gives you transaction fees, YOU FIND A NEW COIN
Still not convinced? well check out these testimonials from real AEON coin users:
Really? I see you make your way to bitcointalk now rocksteady...