Start up aeond and let it sync fully. Once it's safe to open simplewallet it will tell you that in aeond. It may take a number of hours to sync fully if it's your first time and you have less then blazing fast internet. Once it reaches that point you can open simplewallet, but leave aeond open until after you close simplewallet. Always type "exit" in both programs to close them or it won't save things and you will have to resync.
I keep getting the following message:
2017-Oct-14 18:07:59.679962 [P2P3][sock 996] Some problems at write: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host:10054
When it finished synchronizing it will say the following.
You are now synchronized with the network. You may now start simplewallet.
Please note, that the blockchain will be saved only after you quit the daemon with "exit" command or if you use "save" command.
Otherwise, you will possibly need to synchronize the blockchain again.
Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.
The message you are seeing will show up from time to time, but as long as it has shown what I just posted you are ok to open simplewallet.