XAI can be traded on the First Global Credit Exchange and Etherdelta at present. And yes, you are spot on with your assessment, XAI belongs on coinmarketcap and we are creating the API that will allow this. At present our focus is on internal growth. Trading strategy is underway and we already have $350,000USD to invest in start-up companies. So that's the next big issue on my TO DO list. Making sure we are positioned to attract the right kind of investments. In terms of exchange listing, we will be voting on whether the collective wants to put the money into being listed on one of the exchanges that will list coins for payment. (Remember, US Exchanges are OFF THE TABLE right now.)
As it stands right now, we are building a track record and value in what the token owns. As soon as we start reporting earnings more publically the coin will get known quickly. I would argue that now is the time to get your position sorted out so you are invested as is appropriate to your portfolio. Because once we start putting this more generally into the world, the bargains will be over. [This is my personal opinion only based on me believing strongly in what we are doing.]