Have been working for many hours every day on www.aerome.org the latest week.
Thing's have come together and I am done with every intended page and feature. (But ofcours open to ideas on more to add).
- It has been optimized for quick loading and is receiving 95+/100 on every test and is faster then almost all websites.
- SEO has been worked on today, with the addition of google analytics. So I can keep track on movement, and so we can get it higher on google.
- Very userfriendly. That has the been the key point all the way, and I belive it to be very userfriendly.
- Optimized Mobile View. Meaning that it has been optimized for viewing on a mobile without doing harm to the design on a computer. And google will place us higher in a couple of months because of it!
- Addition of many pages, including:
How to invest
Investor Club
Investor Handout
Support Community
Block Explorer #1 & #2
And a very own forum
Go check it out, and I would as always be very happy to get suggestions and ideas on improvement
Slack Channel Update
For those who havent been on slack in a long time, you should really get on!
We now have a tipbot running. Thanks to aeroman, so that should be the first person you tip
We have a twitter bot showing all tweets with the hashtag #aerome.
Murderouskrik is working on a very exciting crypto news project, you should check that out.
Slack is now integrated with our community foroum. So every thread from forum shows in slack, and you can directly reply to the thread from slack.
+ other things like checking the price directly on slack.
And cant forget the massive activity increase we have had lately. So come and join the fun!
Aerotalk now closed. Moving over to aerome.org
It's a little bit sad to let it to. But got to face the fact that the aerotalk project was a to much time consuming project with to little gains.
Don't get me wrong, it was fun and have had a big impact on the forming of this community.
However, we are moving over to a much more userfriendly and simpler forum. Check it out.
It is far from as advanced as aerotalk, but got to look at the reality and see that we where not a big enough community yet to have a such forum running.
I have ofcours saved it and I do own the domain. So maybe we can open it up again when AeroME grows bigger. Leaving that to the future to decide.