Prepare for the new huge dump from this unknown solominer
Seems that he is going to destroy Aro price.
proof Can I just say something about this so called 100kh/s miner you believe to be out there? I have been mining ARO since about 2 weeks after it was officially able to be mined. This is my "proof" of my mining activity with ARO -
0 blocks mined, in 6 months? Ok. I think you might get the point.
And that's what you're basing your "proof" on. So he mined over a thousand blocks, wouldn't have been hard in the early days if he was a day one miner. Even now, with 25 kh/s it's possible to mine 44 out of 100 blocks, incredibly lucky, but possible. Damn, I could mine 10 blocks in a row with my 500 h/s, again lucky, but possible.
Here's my theory. What if, god forbid, it was actually someone who TRADED in ARO and knew how to make money doing it?
And as to your claims of using OctaEx as an exchange as well? Sorry to burst your bubble but it's become common knowledge that no one has been able to withdraw anything for at least 11 days now.
It's not a Botnet, it's not a 100 kh/s miner, we know this because we can in fact see who is mining on any node, the ip and the speed of the instance they are using.
I can't explain the block finds, maybe the Devs could more than me, but all I know is that your only evidence is a picture of 1000's of blockfinds, when I have just shown you my wallet address with 0 block finds in 6 months, and no, before you ask, I do not mine at 1 h/s.
Let me give you an example of the cost of renting that kind of hashing power.
GCP (Google Cloud Platform) charge on average around $48 for roughly 200-230h/s for 24 hours, no matter what size instance you use, it works out the same within a couple of dollars. 100,000 h/s divided by 230 h/s = 434. 434 x $48 = $20,869 - A DAY.
Seriously, you really think someone is spending $20k a day to mine ARO?
You're claims that this person, and I quote
Don't think that this is a healthy situation for Arionum coin.
are no more than you sir are in fact trying to do, trying to create an unhealthy situation for our community.
This is not proof, this is pure FUD, something you were banned from our Discord channels for, because of your relentless accusations of wrong doing.