At present, the library has special code paths for AVX, AVX2 and AVX512f. I hope to include some additional optimizations, but they will probably be along the SSE path; I haven't evaluated if AES instructions would offer any speedup.
Good day dan, i followed all the prompts as stated in the java miner, but once i reach the setting of an alias and i click enter, the application just closes. Tried running it again but it keeps on closing the application. Then once i delete the config file, the prompts start from begining.
Is there any fix for this? My core is i7 and i downloaded the arionum-miner-java-avx2.exe file
I think ur CPU dont support it, what i7 do you have?
I have on my test system an i7 2600 and i can run: ariocppminer_avx.exe , when i try to run the ariocppminer_avx2.exe it opens and closes.
But, when i try the avx2 on a 4th gen i7, it is working.
I think the i7 1st and 2nd gen dont fully support AVX2 so u should use AVX
In practice i dont have any differents in speed, so dont worry to use AVX instead of AVX2 because on my i7 4th gen i get the same speeds