This seems to be a resource issue with AWS, there is no real way around it unless you monitor all instances using multiple ssh connections, for example with Windows you can use MTPuTTY or with Linux you can use Pac
I would give it a week before you apply for more and see how it goes
Value for money wise, the m5.large is really the best at the moment, and seeing as Ohio is currently the cheapest region, you should really try and increase your limits there for the moment. Prices do fluctuate and it is an idea to keep any eye on them, as sometimes the time of day can make a difference.
I appreciate the response brother. If I terminate a Spot Instance through the Instances page (where it lists my 25 individual instances), will it redeploy, since I set it on Request & Maintain? If so, is that an alternative solution for the instances that drop in CPU usage?
It should do, yes. But sometimes you only need to do a sudo reboot on the ssh client to get it back up to speed again