The adoption of Bancor as reserve currency helps the value of BNT to increase.
So every new token that comes onto the Bancor network will likely come with an increase in the BNT token price, as the token has to purchase BNT to go live.
Should a smart token rise in value, it means there are more trades going through it and therefore more BNT being traded and likely a corresponding rise in the demand of BNT, so price will rise in this case too.
And, when someone buys a new BNT, the price they pay is added to the BNT smart token reserves. This increases the price of the next BNT (see formula in white paper). So as demand rises, both the amount of BNT and the value of a BNT increases with it.
I am reading the FAQ now and it is really interesting, but not that easy to understand. It is, however, compelling enough to make me dig deeper into all the concepts mentioned on the website. Nice project! About to get into it now much deeper.