I think the best option for beecoin now is to get on bittrex.
Soopy did you contact witch Richi from bittrex?
Yes i agree with this too, we could perhaps 'donate a few 100M ' to bittrex to get listed.
Coin market cap is another important step.
We really really need someone to step up and be the community manager.After talking with soopy, it does appear BILLIONS remain unswapped. These coin need to be put to good use.
Soopy is working out the exact number right now perhaps 11Billion. We as a community need to decide what to do with them. These coins are the fuel for the future dev (soopy), promotions, community manager, exchanges, poker rooms, websites, honey bee's future donations. We need to decide how to spend them. But we need to HURRY UP.Who here will step in and has the time and energy to push beecoin forward if they are compensated fairly??.These unswapped coins are not premined, they were fairly mined by miners that have abandoned the project. We as a community need to decide how to use them for beecoins future.I have laid out some suggestions, it is for the entire community to decide.
I know you guys are concerned about transparency. So of course all things will be transparent to give investors and holders confindence.
Steps1. Define exact numbers of unswapped coins.
2. Define what we will do with them. -
a/ dev payment for bringing bee back from death
b/ pot reserved for giveaways for facebook and twitter postings
c/ pots for tip bots, android wallets, exchange buy ons
d/ pot for games developments
e/ pot for poker room, lottery
f/ wallet funds left in hot wallets live for staking so network is secured - This would be very important and could make bee2 a very secure blockchain.
etc etc etc
3/ get a
community manager (paid position) 5% of everything he does - so he over sees a game development costing 100M he gets 5M .... he over sees and arranges social media giveaways for 500M he gets 25M.... this is a very important position and can only be held by beecoin faithful holders from the start or member with super high rep on the board like hero
4/ get on bigger exchanges, coin market cap and more media coverage and fund raising for bees.
the community will always be kep notified and asked to vote and give input, all wallets holding funds either unswapped or tax coins will be made public so that the balances can be viewed at all times.
Any other ideas please put them forward.
Those suggesting some of the coins are destroyed, this could boost price of the coins i guess and we could go back to the original or nearer to the original minting of 22B - but really these coins that were fairly mined could be useful for promtion and security of beecoin if handled correctly.