Ahh, I think I get it - the diff retarget is using the current bock height versus expected block height to determine next difficulty, rather than current network block time. That explains the huge diff jump, we *should* be at block ~4400 right now
So, this coin is pretty much a clone of BTC, with 10 min block times and 2-week retarget, just with different rewards structure.
My vote goes to a fork asap. The much, much longer block times not only affect mining but all transactions on the network - BEN is now looking at 30+ minutes per confirmation which will not stand a chance against other coins if the plan is to use BEN for purchasing power through payment providers such as Paysha.
I vote for forking back to the announced coin parameters of 64 second block times, and a much shorter diff retarget, something closer to 60 blocks (~1 hour) rather than 2016. Just my $0.02
This would affect people trying to buy a soda with it, yes. However, retailers and merchants are used to 2-3 days for transfers via ACH. If it were to stay at 10 minute blocks, it would allow Paysha to process payments earlier than 6 confirmations. Also, in the long run, 10 minute block times are much more secure than 64 seconds. The other 3 coins are secured by large hashrates, Benjamins doesn't have that yet, so the longer block times would help it stay safer, if anyone cares what I think about the situation
It doesn't matter to us either way, but it is our responsibility to give pros and cons for both options as an outside observer. It's pretty close to Bitcoin's numbers, but Bitcoin also started with just CPU mining, so it is a fairly interesting idea showing the impact ASIC miners would have had on Bitcoin when it first launched
Either way, we will still process Benjamins payments, whether it forks or not