The general consensus last night was to let it be. This will keep the block time of all 4 coins on Paysha at 10 minutes
What does this mean for Benjamins?
It's going to suck mining for a little while. The difficulty keeps increasing, because we should only be on block 4500ish right now, not 20,000. We got way ahead early because so many ASIC miners jumped on before the first few adjustments. Benjamins will become extremely hard to mine for the next month, or even longer, depending on hash rate. Paysha will support BEN even if the transactions are slow for the first few months due to the problem. Both teams feel as if 10 minute blocks are better in the long run for network and transaction security, regardless of the short term damage. Changing the difficulty now would alter the lifespan of the coin to a degree that would ruin it. It would be mined out too fast. I know it seems like it's broken, but it's the exact opposite. Benjamins network is spiking difficulty to fix itself, rather than allow more Benjamins to be mined ahead of schedule
Thanks for your continued support of Benjamins
I assume the next few pages will be extremely negative, and it's deserved, so let's have it
I respect your decision to keep the 10-min block times, but I still have the same concerns as posted earlier. I still think the increased block time until the coin "fixes itself" is going to be an issue. BEN has already gone from 32 min block times to 50 min block times since I posted about this yesterday, less than 24 hrs ago. At that rate BEN is 70 days away from the next retarget. I have no doubt this will continue to increase until BEN is looking at several months, maybe even a year to retarget the diff again. I have seen this happen with many, many coins before.
I'm also concerned this coin will not be "fixed" at the next diff adjustment either. At the next diff adjustment, BEN will be at block 26,208 - depending on when that happens, BEN still might be ahead of schedule in terms of block height. I think there is a fair chance the diff will adjust even higher at block 26208, making things even worse.
For example (maybe my math is wrong, but I don't think it is):
70 days at "normal" block rate of 10 minutes should produce 10,080 blocks
This means expected block height 70 days from now would be ~14,500ish blocks
At current network rates, 70 days from now we will be at block 26,208 - still way over schedule