I am getting only 15-16 instead of 60 a month ago.
Currently, I have 125. Is your port open to incoming connections?
Could you simply make netstat -ban and put here the list of nodes that your bitbean wallet syncs with? Then one can make from it the fresh Bitbean.conf as of the one from http://www.bitbean.org/downloads.html consists 115 Nodes only
For an always fresh nodelist, check out: https://chainz.cryptoid.info/bitb/#!network
Click on the 'nodelist' button next to each version to get a copy/paste nodelist to add to your conf.
Their list is updated every day.
However, since BitBean has a DNS seeder node you should not need to have any addnode settings in your conf file.
Thanks for the info about actual list of nodes on cryptoid.
Concerning DNS seeder, unfortunately with or without bitbean.conf I am somehow not getting more than 13 Connections.