It is bad enough so many people are now rich from something they obviously do not understand. This only means there are well funded morons lurking here.
And they are not to be given the chance to seem credible because they have been saying the exact same message since the resale price was approx 300 usd per bitcoin cash. So that should be a red flag that they do not care about proliferation of information and facts but are here as part of a Bolshevik takeover of the communications building so that they can broadcast propaganda all day that seems like news.
Notice how the people providing the most support got the most red ink from the adm team? If they could kill me they probably would.
This is why bitcoin is not to be tied to a physical location because entrenched power structures will kill people to maintain their lie that gives them power over you.
Bitcoin was victimized by these people and now it is re-birthed and they are fighting it and exposing themselves and think we are so stupid we cannot see
I want to be red flagged
I am not sure what criteria they use. Maybe only the hero members IDK. The troll list was very valuable I thought!!!