40nm 0.2J/GH to 0.4J/GH how does that sound? of course they still need to confirm this news with a working chip...
Of course
The 0.2-0.4J/GH looks impressive (still a wide range, however), now that's only one variable.
Availability (out of the hands of friedcat) and ultimately price per GHS will be the other significant parameter for the market. I sold off my AM shares before the downfall of the securities game in 2013 but I'm considering getting back in for sure.
Anyway, at the current stage of the mining game BitFury is still a safe bet at 1J/GH (vs 2 for the oversold IMHO Antminer)
I agree, for now nothings beats Bitfury for sure even the supposed 28nm chips.
but I am sure that FC will beat all of them, I didn't sell my shares, I still have them, interesting fact is that in havelockinvestment.com the price already rising back, it is now at 0.625BTC/share and there is no volume to keep it from going even higher, you can just imagine the dividends from the mining and selling of these chips