This Wednesday the BlackCoin press release will be going out to all the top financial websites in the world!!! Wednesday is when we introduce BlackCoin to the world!!!
But that is just the beginning!!! On Wednesday a group of Wall Street associates will be buying BlackCoin all day long until we break through the 10,000 wall!!!
Wednesday morning I will post the links to our news articles, and then it is up to the community to re-post the links everywhere you can! Do not stop with just re-posting links!!! Tell your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, and anyone else who wants to listen about BlackCoin!!! Let them know BlackCoin is the future of crypto-currency and they better buy now while it is still cheap. Ask them if they can go back into time would they buy Bitcoin @ 0.035 before the value peaked @ $1100? Tell them for less than a dinner and a movie they can own roughly 2000 BlackCoins. Let them know those same 2000 BlackCoins can be worth thousands of dollars before the end of the year!!! If they do not know how to buy BlackCoin, show them how to buy BlackCoin or offer to buy it for them!!!
We are not trying to be #3 or even #2, we want to be the top coin period!!! Dogecoin, Litecoin, and yes even Bitcoin should be worried about Blackout Wednesday!!!
On Wednesday we are going to show the rest of the world BlackCoin might be new the kid on the block, but we are poised to completely take over the block!!!
Yeah, there's a lot more to this than press releases.