"Blacknet is the next update of BlackCoin.
Due to complexity of updating from UTXO model to account model the chosen way to update is new blockchain. Snapshot date will be announced in advance.
Design goal: focus on proof of stake and provide an interface for smart contracts for everything else."
I don't actually disagree with this. Honestly, rat4, if done well, it can be a serious contender. Just please, for the love of the community, communicate.
I think an account model is okay, as long as there is some pruning techniques done to address blockchain bloat. Also it would be nice to see a superior version of DPOS where there is no set number of delegates but maybe you can rely on better hardware for stakers... perhaps a benchmark test?! Also a more random method of block selection would be nice.
It should be said, if Blackcoin becomes BlackNet, BlackHalo would probably not be coded for BlackNet if switching to an account driven model because that would be a very dramatic change to the code. Although this depends on the API commands rat4 has. If he adds smart contracts at least I can coach how a simple DDE contract (could) occur.
So most likely BlackHalo will stand with the original Blackcoin community. And of course I support whatever rat4 does code and consider him a good friend in the cryptosphere.