There are people on this forum claiming they want the best for BlackCoin and the community but they are the first one’s to throw people under the bus. Is one thing to have an idea that you want to bring forward and another one is to impose your idea on people. When people don't necessarily agree or have there own opinion they immediately get shut down. They get called names, conspiracies start up and that leads to threats. What are you looking for? what are you trying to gain from this?
BlackCoin or any other digital currency will always be controlled by the people who hold the most coins. Example If you are the first one to buy houses on a block or a huge piece of land you will more than likely control what you want to sell it for. If someone wants to promote your home for sale, or land or neighbors want to get together to promote the sale of a complex they can either work together or not. If people have any idea on how to promote the sale and they move forward with ideas and ask members to donate well good for them. If other neighbors have other ideas and they ask for donations they are also ok to ask and promote. In the end everyone wants to sell there home but each has the last call on how much they will sell for. This notion that the BlackCoin is centralized because it has some members creating a foundation is delusional. Thats like creating a club or a group in the neighborhood. Are they imposing on people to pay or they will get there coins taken NO, Are they imposing rules on how people should act NO, are they controlling people and telling them to hold or sell NO. People are free to do their own projects in this neighborhood. People are free to ask for donations for their projects, this notion that a Foundation is better than someone else’s group is ridiculous. They could of called it the BlackShibes for what I care is just a group.
If the common purpose is to move forward for the success of a project called BlackCoin, Personal and group attacks serve nobody in this forum.
I've personally dedicated my time and effort to this project, the community and friends because I believe in our collective success. I have stopped my own projects and other endeavors to pour my heart and should into BlackCoin. This without pushing anyone to think or do as I say.
The time has come for people to step back and think. Think on how we are hurting the BRAND, we're also hurting peoples feelings and above all wasting peoples times. If we do a good thing we either do it out of our hearts or for something in return. I do my things out of heart, specially if i'm in with a group that I care about. I would never be so self centered as to push down people’s throat that is my way or the highway, that my views are right and yours are wrong. On the other hand I step back, I watch listen and learn because everyone can bring forward a good point.
Iconic I'm going to address you
You have taken over this forum, most of this forum is littered with your projects, ideas, and negative and destructive rants. These ideas always have a pricetag that the community ships in for. Coming from someone that has donated to your project I would appreciate it if you could tone your self down.
Stop with them against me and you against them mentality, YOU ARE HURTING EVERYONE.
You seem to not understand that you are helping with one hand and destroying with another. People want YOU to bring Ideas forward, comment, be engaged but the way you're going about it sometimes brushes people off the wrong way and is destructive. Please dont tell me how such a marketing genious you are cause with this attitudes your doing the total opposite. You are ultimately hurting the brand. I came to this community to help, bring fresh Ideas and bring some big players and your actions have caused some of my people to step back. This is the reason Im coming forward to address you. While your getting girls to go to wall street to do your gorilla campaign, I got the people that pay these people to trade their stocks, I got the real entertainers the real producers and I have over 25 years in the industry. I don't hide behind a computer, I come out and show face. When I asked you to come forward to address so called "Transparency issues and your projects" your were to busy. Why are you to busy to promote your projects and address transparency, LIVE ON TELECAST, You are always here glued to this forum. If you got time for 2000 character rants Im sure you have time to speak live. I was going to send you an email but since you want transparency well here you have it.
You have turned my people to think this is a joke and have cast doubt in the people that open the doors for me to see this great community. If youre selfish acts continue guess what you will get your way, you will solely destroy the confidence of serious people that dont care about people spating over gimmicks. If you want to help this community stay in your lane, do your projects, raise your funds but don't throw hard working people under the bus and cast doubt, that my friend is counterproductive.
My actions will speak for themselves but if I continue to see this reckless behaviour on your part I will walk away with my people, events and all investments planned.
Who are you again?
What did you do for Blackcoin so far?