I do not believe in censorship and I think even trolls have a right to express their view and feelings. However, ...
Results so far:
26 votes to ban him
5 vote to let him stay
"Everyone has a right to express an opinion, but I think that that general rule should only extend so far".
Please. Who's going to be next ? Do we think that people are incapable of hitting the 'ignore' button if that is what they wish to do ?
There is a reason why it is against the law to scream fire in a crowded movie theater when there isn't a fire. Freedom of speech is not absolute. I have no problem with people attacking me, I get attacked everyday. However,his attacks are now focusing on people who are trying to participate and bring something to the table. We are trying to rebuild the morale of this community, and how can we do that if someone is criticizing everyone's efforts. I have never publicly asked to ban someone, but in this case he needs refrain from posting here.
From what I have seen, lots of people here voice their opinions about the actions of others. Sometimes with moderation, sometimes not. I'm an adult. I'm able to discern what I would like to take notice of, able to filter the signal from the noise. Some days that takes a bit more effort than other days.
Sometimes I agree with what you say, sometimes I do not. Sometimes I disagree with the majority of what one person says for a long period of time, and then all of a sudden, I find myself agreeing with some of the points that they make in a particular post, to the extent that I learn something from what they say. That makes my life richer.
What you read as consistently negative, I often simply read as critical ( as in someone, often eloquently, expressing an opinion ). The fact that I do not agree with all that is said does not make me despair and give up on BlackCoin, because I am an adult and can make up my own mind.
If we start voting to ban people, we need to define the parameters within which we expect people to behave. We need to become law makers. Once you start making laws, you get into endless divisions. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of people here, who have an interest in this technology, are here precisely because they are sick of operating within a set of parameters defined by someone else.
I wasn't going to intervene in the new, even more outrageous initiative of this little Hitler under the IconicExpert handle, but I just have to point out what it is plain obvious about the guy. You, little Hitler, are poison. To the BlackCoin project and to any community, because you are a dictator who just cannot stand not just criticism -in spite of so many aberrant ideas- but even the more elemental rights anyone can have to sustain and very educatedly, defend their opinions. Who the fuck are you to submit to vote if I should or shouldn't be banned? Who the fuck do you think you are to manipulate such initiative by constantly and unfairly judge and condemn the effects of my posts? who the fuck are you to even talk about me other than on a direct, personal basis, as is the right of everyone on any public forum? You are a despicable, little, insignificant individual whose actions and words put himself in the place where he belongs: That on someone who has to be taken seriously ONLY because he has the potential, under the proper circumstances, of causing severe damage to others, some irrational tool bent of outrageous greed and egocentric behavior lacking any capability whatsoever of self-criticism, restraint or even the most basic reasoning.
I will be here calling it like it is, whether coming from you or coming from whoever, get it? You sir are dangerous and despicable, again. And need to be filtered constantly like you have been in recent past, not allowed to cause any damage. Because that is what you did with your outrageous outburst regarding WC, that is what you would have done if allowed to pursue your initiative to manipulate the BC market and that is probably what you will do marching on Wall Street with your 50 escorts. And yet, I won't advocate for your banning of that of anyone else, no matter how crazy or outrageous. You are, for many, the demoralizing, raging greedy tool in this board, the idiot that post that 360% growth (in exchange price, that is, the only growth you care about), is not just achievable but sustainable. You sir, are the one that STILL hasn't answered the question posed and posted many times: Why the fucking rush? What is the objective of this "help" to the community? Selling more cards for significant profit? dumping the coins when the price gets to a higher level? What? Furthermore, why don't you just make public your wallet so we can see what your level of interest in the future of BlackCoin is, for real, and we all can witness that you are in it for the long haul and for the good and the future of the coin and the community?
You sir, little Hitler, are full of shit.