YOU, barabbas, have NO PLACE WHAT SO EVER MARKETING THIS COIN!!!! Yes i'm shouting, cause your attacking the most outspoken and helpful person in marketing here, and having a business degree myself, you my friend are DEAD WRONG. You show you really don't understand what your talking about, and then come across as your ideas are helpful in marketing this coin. LOL, far from it. If we left BC in your hands you'd run it to the ground. Hype is everything, and not sure what the prudes there think is so wrong about 50 sexy women, fully clothed to promote this coin is bad image.
Many companies use this tatic all the time, Go daddy commercials come to mind of top of head. We need to move fast with promotions, not slow and build merchants. You are an idiot. Without proper hype and advertising you get nowhere, don't care if we are the best, or have best stuff. We need promations of things we do have more, and hype and advertising for those we don't.
This is what I say to everyone skeptical of Iconic's Wall St. JUST STOP!!! Let him do this, and if he fails, or this turns out horrible, then we can really take a look at what is wrong, and fix it. But for now, we only have few members pushing this coin forward.
Saying this not to create FUD, but if it was not for people like Iconic here doing things with marketing, I'd cash out into another coin already. Sorry, but it's really what is 95% of the game, and you come on here trying to destroy moral.
WHO CARE IF ICONIC HAS AN EGO! I don't, he's doing things to make us all $$$, so who cares.
Look how fast the clones came out of BC? Things already have changed from DOGE days here, too many more coins. We are not worried about marketing to those in crypto community with this, it's getting more people on board. Those in community will see this and also take notice.
Alright, from this point forward can we just support him in this, please for sake of community. Enough infighting, lets support this marketing. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I'm 100% with you Iconic and hope other are too.
I sincerely appreciate your support and the support of everyone here. The past few days made me realize that there are a core group of people who want to see BC succeed, another group of people who think they belong to a central bank and want to privately control everything behind the scenes, and another group of people ready to attack anyone that suggests projects or ideas. I have decided to work with other members of this community who want transparency and we will be presenting ideas publicly. The price of BC has been dropping steadily for nearly 2 weeks, and no plan has been publicly posted by the dev team. I am completely shocked that a press release was not issued immediately after Vault Of Satoshi announced they would be adding BC. We need marketing and "business" plans. We need goals, and we also need talented people willing to join in. I get so many PMs from people with amazing ideas but they are afraid to come forward because ideas are shot down around here, that stops today! I and many others believe in this coin and I am done leaving it solely in the hands of people who are more focused about keeping "control" than doing what is good for the community.
I posted this earlier and it got lost in chaos of everything: