Howdy everyone! Please allow me to introduce myself: My name is Clay,and I am a graduating senior at the University of Texas. I must say, it is quite the pleasure to be part of such a large, active, and continually expanding community that is blackcoin, well hell crypto currencies in general. I personally own some BTC and BC holdings(in no way do I own an amount I wish I did lol). A little bit of thanks is in order for the wonderful devs and members of the community for working diligently to bring the rest of us an amazing and useful innovation. I hope that all of your efforts are rightfully respected and rewarded in the future;it takes a special type of person to look challenge, adversity, and possible failure in the eyes and give zero f***s, and go on anyway. What brings me on here tonight, is that I see people involved in this wonderful movement moving in many directions, some proceeding forward post-haste,not looking backwards, some running off with their money bags to the bank, and some(more like many of us), not sure where exactly we stand in this whole thing. Im addressing all of us inbetweeners, our numbers are growing by the day. Our numbers grow not because we don't believe in blackcoins potential, but rather because so far many of the things in our lives seem to follow the cardinal rule, "if it seems too good to be true, it is." I understand how easy it is to see something climb up and succeed; knowing in the back of our minds that this will probably be hit down soon,its only a matter of when. I joined this community during the height of the first large spike up, and pitfall down. I read all of my research, read all of the specs, read all of the hype and detraction, and like all of us everyday folks did, i bought in waaayyy late to my liking! Of course, overnight, I watched my 2000$ i scraped together to invest turn into about $200 in a matter of 2 hours. Id imagine all of you would be saying that i must have been out of my damn mind, why on earth did i hold on to what I had, let alone what kept me from going and playing in traffic? It took me a bit of some unwanted sobering up, but then hit occurred to me what exactly I was truly dealing with.I saw a beaten, but not broken community unfazed and undazed. Instead of closing shop, they opened more doors. Instead of going quiet, they went out louder, prouder, even more excited than before. It amazes me this level of partnership between thousands, perhaps hundred of thousands and more soon, of absolute strangers, coming together with ideas and tributes, and passion;something i unfortunately can not say that I can see around me in but my humble daily life. These folks are slowly but surely building something remarkable, and are not only letting us watch it transparently, but encouraging us to be a part of turning this dream into reality. This led me to realize that I did not just walk into an investment, but rather something more. It made me realize, that I walked into a shared destiny. If there is anything I have learned from just being a part of this for the few days I have, is that despite the uncertainty that surrounds us everyday in the cryptocurrency world, and the outside normal world, that for once a community can move past barriers, move past uncertainty, do the things "we can", when others say "you can not". Devs and active supporters, keep doing what youre doing and dont look back, it, at least to me, seems apparent that people appreciate and believe in your coins' philosophy and opportunity. Whales, thank you for allowing the rest of us to buy some of the coins at a nice discount. Im all for making money, and im sure you guys will continue to do so, but every coin you sell is another opportunity for someone new to get involved. Newbies and inbetweeners, its ok to panic, and im sure you will continue to do so. Just know that you have a community that understands this, and will continue to keep working on everything. IMO, if there is anything you can do help mitigate your losses and keep this coin strong, if you MUST PANIC, sell or buy HALF of what you originally set in your mind if you see rapid movement all of a sudden. There is a chance you wont kick yourself later either way, as you kept your mind and your options open. With this coin, as well as cryptocurrencies in general, we are given a rare opportunity that many things in this world, especially in the realm of investments, don't have, the chance for EVERYONE to be a part of it, to control this thing's destiny. We can all make this useful or useless. We can make us all together rich, or throw ALL our money in a ditch
Welcome to the Blackcoin community. This is a long term investment so please take a seat and enjoy the ride.
I can say that there are plans in the works which could dramatically increase the long term value of Blackcoin, so I will not be selling my holdings. The advice I'll give to others is based on what I did myself.
I bought Blackcoins when they were around 5000 satoshi or less. I bought a very small amount, and when the price rose to a point where for 10% of my shares I could take my initial investment off the table I did that.
When it went to 10,000 and above I didn't have any risk of loss. I took my initial investment off the table and was able to enjoy the dramatic rise. When it reached 60,000 satoshi I bought some more with the intention of waiting until it's 100,000-200,000 satoshi and taking some profit again.
People who invest should have patience, it's just as likely to reach 100,000 satoshi as it was to reach 10,000 satoshi from the 5000 satoshi I bought in at. You have to know when to take your profit off the table and once you do that then you can focus exclusively on doing the work necessary to bring Blackcoin to new heights and believe me it's going there.
Since you came into it just recently my advice to you would be not to take your profit right now and just wait it out if you have faith that the community which includes you and others can bring the price and value of Blackcoin up to a point where you can cash out some of your shares and have $2000 while still keeping the majority of your holdings.
Here is some advice though to maximize your investment, figure out what you can do to open more doors for Blackcoin so that it becomes more valuable. If you can accept it then accept it. If you can write code then go write useful apps. If you can make a website then make a website. If you don't have this kind of expertise then introduce people to each other.
Something everyone here can do.
1. Come up with 1 good carefully thought up idea which can increase the value of Blackcoin long term.
2. Set a goal to introduce at least 1 new person a week to Blackcoin.
3. Set a goal to introduce at least one highly skilled, talented person to another highly skilled, talented person in the Blackcoin community.
Keep figuring out how to market Blackcoin, keep coming up with new ideas, keep introducing people to each other, and keep pushing forward.