
Topic: [ANN] #Blessed Temple Coin [TMPC] PoS 8% & Shaligram [SGRAM] [SHG] PoW - page 7. (Read 2468 times)

Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Now that the movie 300 has popularized the battle between the Spartans and the Persians, everyone has heard of it. But there was a similar battle between Athens and Persia. If you remember in the movie 300, the Athenians came to help the Spartans, and the Spartans said "We aren't pottery makers and wood crafters, or whatever, we are Warriors full time". Those were the Athenians, and the Athenians ended up fighting a similar battle.


The Athenian problem actually started with the Spartans. Athens was very Democratic and Free minded, since their Goddess was Athena, who comes to Earth in the form of "Mentor". So they were very dedicated to education. Sparta on the other hand would leave babies in the snow if they weren't perfect, and if they were alive the next day they got to get raised into an adult. The Spartan God is Mars or Ares.


So the Spartans were in Athens and they were causing problems. The Athenians didn't know what to do, and they asked the Persians for help. A Persian diplomat came with an offering of Sand and Water, which the Athenians accepted. They did not realize though that when they accepted the offering of Sand and Water, they had given their state to the Persian empire.


So the Athenians ended up getting rid of the Spartans themselves, and the Persians came and started trying to collect taxes and stuff, and the Athenians told them to fuck off. So the Persians sent an Army.


This battle is known as the Battle of Marathon, because it was fought in a place called Marathon. And the end of the story here will tell you how this gave us the modern idea of a "Marathon" race.


The Athenians went to Marathon and set it up much like the Spartans did, but they did not have such a small space, so they used chopped down trees and stuff to make barriers in a similar but larger area, to funnel them in. They also had more than 300 men. They eventually defeated all of the Persians, and one soldier ran back to Athens, which was a 26-ish mile trip (the length of a modern marathon). When he got their he yelled "NIKE!" which means "Victory", then he fell over dead.


A modern example of "Marathon" can be found in Florida, since it is so close to Cuba, they have a town called "Marathon". The town Marathon is down in the Florida Keys, and there is a 7 mile bridge with 2 lanes that only has water on both sides. It gets you from Big Pine Key, to Marathon Key (Key means Island in Florida for some reason). So the police use this 7 Mile bridge as an easily dependable spot to stop drugs and immigration. If you go to Marathon, you will find City Police, Highway Police, Border Patrol, Wildlife, and State Troopers.

Pigeon Key, in the middle of the old 7 Mile Bridge
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
[The original Regius Manuscript dates to about 190,
 and was written in Latin. The
author is unknown]

Hic incipiunt constituciones artis  
gemetriae secundum Eucyldem.

(Here begin the constitutions of the Art  
of Geometry according to Euclid.)

The Foundations of Freemasonry
Whoever will both well read and look  
He may find written in old books  
Of great lords and also ladies,  
That had many children together, certainly;  
And had no income to keep them with,  
Neither in town nor field nor enclosed wood;  
A council together they could them take,  
To ordain for these children's sake,  
How they might best lead their life  
Without great disease, care and strife;  
And most for the multitude that was coming  
Of their children after great clerks,  
To teach them then good works;
And pray we them, for our Lord's sake.  
To our children some work to make,  
That they might get their living thereby,  
Both well and honestly full securely.  
In that time, through good geometry,  
This honest craft of good masonry  
Was ordained and made in this manner,  
Counterfeited of these clerks together;  
At these lord's prayers they counterfeited geometry
And gave it the name of masonry,  
For the most honest craft of all.  
These lords' children thereto did fall,  
To learn of him the craft of geometry,  
The which he made full curiously;
Through fathers' prayers and mothers' also,  
This honest craft he put them to.  
He learned best, and was of honesty,  
And passed his fellows in curiosity,  
If in that craft he did him pass,  
He should have more worship than the less,  
This great clerk's name was Euclid,  
His name it spread full wonder wide.  
Yet this great clerk ordained he  
To him that was higher in this degree,  
That he should teach the simplest of wit  
In that honest craft to be perfect;  
And so each one shall teach the other,  
And love together as sister and brother.

The first article of this geometry;--  
The master mason must be full securely  
Both steadfast, trusty and true,  
It shall him never then rue;  
And pay thy fellows after the cost,  
As victuals goeth then, well thou knowest;  
And pay them truly, upon thy faith,  
What they may deserve;  
And to their hire take no more,  
But what that they may serve for;  
And spare neither for love nor dread,
Of neither parties to take no bribe;  
Of lord nor fellow, whoever he be,  
Of them thou take no manner of fee;  
And as a judge stand upright,  
And then thou dost to both good right;  
And truly do this wheresoever thou goest,  
Thy worship, thy profit, it shall be most.

Second Article.
The second article of good masonry,  
As you must it here hear specially,  
That every master, that is a mason,  
Must be at the general congregation,  
So that he it reasonably be told  
Where that the assembly shall be held;  
And to that assembly he must needs go,  
Unless he have a reasonable excuse,  
Or unless he be disobedient to that craft  
Or with falsehood is overtaken,  
Or else sickness hath him so strong,  
That he may not come them among;  
That is an excuse good and able,  
To that assembly without fable.

Third Article.
The third article forsooth it is,  
That the master takes to no 'prentice,  
Unless he have good assurance to dwell  
Seven years with him, as I you tell,  
His craft to learn, that is profitable;  
Within less he may no be able  
To lords' profit, nor to his own  
As you may know by good reason.

Fourth Article.
The fourth article this must be,  
That the master him well be see,  
That he no bondman 'prentice make,  
Nor for no covetousness do him take;  
For the lord that he is bound to,  
May fetch the 'prentice wheresoever he go.  
If in the lodge he were taken,  
Much disease it might there make,  
And such case it might befall,  
That it might grieve some or all.
For all the masons that be there  
Will stand together all together.  
If such one in that craft should dwell,  
Of divers disease you might tell;  
For more ease then, and of honesty,  
Take a 'prentice of higher degree.  
By old time written I find  
That the 'prentice should be of gentle kind;  
And so sometime, great lords' blood  
Took this geometry that is full good.

Fifth Article.
The fifth article is very good,  
So that the 'prentice be of lawful blood;  
The master shall not, for no advantage,  
Make no 'prentice that is deformed;  
It is mean, as you may hear  
That he have all his limbs whole all together;  
To the craft it were great shame,  
To make a halt man and a lame,  
For an imperfect man of such blood  
Should do the craft but little good.  
Thus you may know every one,  
The craft would have a mighty man;  
A maimed man he hath no might,  
You must it know long ere night.

Sixth Article.
The sixth article you must not miss  
That the master do the lord no prejudice,  
To take the lord for his 'prentice,  
As much as his fellows do, in all wise.  
For in that craft they be full perfect,  
So is not he, you must see it.  
Also it were against good reason,  
To take his hire as his fellows do.
This same article in this case,  
Judgeth his prentice to take less  
Than his fellows, that be full perfect.  
In divers matters, know requite it,  
The master may his 'prentice so inform,  
That his hire may increase full soon,  
And ere his term come to an end,  
His hire may full well amend.

Seventh Article.
The seventh article that is now here,  
Full well will tell you all together,  
That no master for favour nor dread,  
Shall no thief neither clothe nor feed.  
Thieves he shall harbour never one,  
Nor him that hath killed a man,  
Nor the same that hath a feeble name,  
Lest it would turn the craft to shame.

Eighth Article.
The eighth article sheweth you so,  
That the master may it well do.  
If that he have any man of craft,  
And he be not so perfect as he ought,  
He may him change soon anon,  
And take for him a more perfect man.  
Such a man through recklessness,  
Might do the craft scant worship.

Ninth Article.
The ninth article sheweth full well,  
That the master be both wise and strong;  
That he no work undertake,  
Unless he can both it end and make;  
And that it be to the lords' profit also,  
And to his craft, wheresoever he go;  
And that the ground be well taken,  
That it neither flaw nor crack.

Tenth Article.
The tenth article is for to know,  
Among the craft, to high and low,  
There shall no master supplant another,  
But be together as sister and brother,  
In this curious craft, all and some,  
That belongeth to a master mason.  
Nor shall he supplant no other man,  
That hath taken a work him upon,  
In pain thereof that is so strong,
That weigheth no less than ten pounds,  
but if that he be guilty found,  
That took first the work on hand;  
For no man in masonry  
Shall not supplant other securely,  
But if that it be so wrought,  
That in turn the work to nought;  
Then may a mason that work crave,  
To the lords' profit for it to save  
In such a case if it do fall,  
There shall no mason meddle withal.  
Forsooth he that beginneth the ground,  
If he be a mason good and sound,  
He hath it securely in his mind  
To bring the work to full good end.

Eleventh Article.
The eleventh article I tell thee,  
That he is both fair and free;  
For he teacheth, by his might,  
That no mason should work by night,  
But if be in practicing of wit,  
If that I could amend it.

Twelfth Article.
The twelfth article is of high honesty  
To every mason wheresoever he be,  
He shall not his fellows' work deprave,  
If that he will his honesty save;  
With honest words he it commend,  
By the wit God did thee send;  
But it amend by all that thou may,  
Between you both without doubt.

Thirteenth Article.
The thirteenth article, so God me save,  
Is if that the master a 'prentice have,  
Entirely then that he him tell,  
That he the craft ably may know,  
Wheresoever he go under the sun.

Fourteenth Article.
The fourteenth article by good reason,  
Sheweth the master how he shall do;  
He shall no 'prentice to him take,  
Unless diver cares he have to make,  
That he may within his term,  
Of him divers points may learn.

Fifteenth Article.
The fifteenth article maketh an end,  
For to the master he is a friend;  
To teach him so, that for no man,  
No false maintenance he take him upon,  
Nor maintain his fellows in their sin,  
For no good that he might win;  
Nor no false oath suffer him to make,  
For dread of their souls' sake,  
Lest it would turn the craft to shame,  
And himself to very much blame.
The Plural Constitutions

First Point.
At this assembly were points ordained more,  
Of great lords and masters also.  
That who will know this craft and come to estate,  
He must love well God and holy church always,  
And his master also that he is with,  
Wheresoever he go in field or enclosed wood,  
And thy fellows thou love also,  
For that thy craft will that thou do.

Second Point.
The second point as I you say,  
That the mason work upon the work day,  
As truly as he can or may,  
To deserve his hire for the holy-day,  
And truly to labour on his deed,  
Well deserve to have his reward.

Third Point.
The third point must be severely,  
With the 'prentice know it well,  
His master's counsel he keep and close,  
And his fellows by his good purpose;  
The privities of the chamber tell he no man,  
Nor in the lodge whatsoever they do;  
Whatsoever thou hearest or seest them do,  
Tell it no man wheresoever you go;  
The counsel of hall, and even of bower,  
Keep it well to great honour,  
Lest it would turn thyself to blame,  
And bring the craft into great shame.

Fourth Point.
The fourth point teacheth us also,  
That no man to his craft be false;  
Error he shall maintain none  
Against the craft, but let it go;  
Nor no prejudice he shall no do  
To his master, nor his fellow also;  
And though the 'prentice be under awe,  
Yet he would have the same law.

Fifth Point.
The fifth point is without doubt,  
That when the mason taketh his pay  
Of the master, ordained to him,  
Full meekly taken so must it be;  
Yet must the master by good reason,  
Warn him lawfully before noon,  
If he will not occupy him no more,  
As he hath done there before;  
Against this order he may no strive,  
If he think well for to thrive.

Sixth Point.
The sixth point is full given to know,  
Both to high and even low,  
For such case it might befall;  
Among the masons some or all,  
Through envy or deadly hate,  
Oft ariseth full great debate.  
Then ought the mason if that he may,  
Put them both under a day;  
But love day yet shall they make none,  
Till that the work-day you must well take  
Leisure enough love day to make,  
Hinder their work for such a fray;  
To such end then that you them draw.  
That they stand well in God's law.

Seventh Point.
The seventh point he may well mean,  
Of well long life that God us lend,  
As it descrieth well openly,  
Thou shalt not by thy master's wife lie,  
Nor by thy fellows', in no manner wise,  
Lest the craft would thee despise;  
Nor by thy fellows' concubine,  
No more thou wouldst he did by thine.  
The pain thereof let it be sure,  
That he be 'prentice full seven year,  
If he forfeit in any of them  
So chastised then must he be;  
Full much care might there begin,  
For such a foul deadly sin.

Eighth Point.
The eighth point, he may be sure,  
If thou hast taken any cure,  
Under thy master thou be true,  
For that point thou shalt never rue;  
A true mediator thou must needs be  
To thy master, and thy fellows free;  
Do truly all that thou might,  
To both parties, and that is good right.

Ninth Point.
The ninth point we shall him call,  
That he be steward of our hall,  
If that you be in chamber together,  
Each one serve other with mild cheer;  
Gentle fellows, you must it know,  
For to be stewards all in turn,  
Week after week without doubt,  
Stewards to be so all in turn about,  
Amiably to serve each one other,  
As though they were sister and brother;  
There shall never one another cost  
Free himself to no advantage,  
But every man shall be equally free  
In that cost, so must it be;  
Look that thou pay well every man always,
That thou hast bought any victuals eaten,  
That no craving be made to thee,  
Nor to thy fellows in no degree,  
To man or to woman, whoever he be,  
Pay them well and truly, for that will we;  
Thereof on thy fellow true record thou take,  
For that good pay as thou dost make,  
Lest it would thy fellow shame,  
And bring thyself into great blame.  
Yet good accounts he must make  
Of such goods as he hath taken,  
Of thy fellows' goods that thou hast spent,  
Where and how and to what end;  
Such accounts thou must come to,  
When thy fellows wish that thou do.

Tenth Point.
The tenth point presenteth well good life,  
To live without care and strife;  
For if the mason live amiss,  
And in his work be false I know,  
And through such a false excuse  
May slander his fellows without reason,  
Through false slander of such fame
May make the craft acquire blame.  
If he do the craft such villainy,  
Do him no favour then securely,  
Nor maintain not him in wicked life,  
Lest it would turn to care and strife;  
But yet him you shall not delay,  
Unless that you shall him constrain,  
For to appear wheresoever you will,  
Where that you will, loud, or still;  
To the next assembly you him call,  
To appear before his fellows all,  
And unless he will before them appear,
The craft he must need forswear;  
He shall then be punished after the law  
That was founded by old day.

Eleventh Point.
The eleventh point is of good discretion,  
As you must know by good reason;  
A mason, if he this craft well know,  
That seeth his fellow hew on a stone,  
And is in point to spoil that stone,  
Amend it soon if that thou can,  
And teach him then it to amend,  
That the lords' work be not spoiled,  
And teach him easily it to amend,  
With fair words, that God thee hath lent;  
For his sake that sit above,  
With sweet words nourish his love.

Twelfth Point.
The twelfth point is of great royalty,  
There as the assembly held shall be,  
There shall be masters and fellows also,  
And other great lords many more;  
There shall be the sheriff of that country,  
And also the mayor of that city,  
Knights and squires there shall be,  
And also aldermen, as you shall see;  
Such ordinance as thy make there,
They shall maintain it all together  
Against that man, whatsoever he be,  
That belongeth to the craft both fair and free.  
If he any strife against them make,  
Into their custody he shall be taken.

Thirteenth Point.
The thirteenth point is to us full lief,  
He shall swear never to be no thief,  
Nor succor him in his false craft,  
For no good that he hath bereft,  
And thou must it know or sin,  
Neither for his good, nor for his kin.

Fourteenth Point.
The fourteenth point is full good law  
To him that would be under awe;  
A good true oath he must there swear  
To his master and his fellows that be there;  
He must be steadfast be and true also  
To all this ordinance, wheresoever he go,  
And to his liege lord the king,  
To be true to him over all thing.  
And all these points here before  
To them thou must need be sworn,  
And all shall swear the same oath  
Of the masons, be they lief be they loath.  
To all these points here before,
That hath been ordained by full good lore.  
And they shall enquire every man  
Of his party, as well as he can,  
If any man may be found guilty  
In any of these points specially;  
And who he be, let him be sought,  
And to the assembly let him be brought.

Fifteenth Point.
The fifteenth point is full good lore,  
For them that shall be there sworn,  
Such ordinance at the assembly was laid  
Of great lords and masters before said;  
For the same that be disobedient, I know,
Against the ordinance that there is,  
Of these articles that were moved there,  
Of great lords and masons all together,  
And if they be proved openly  
Before that assembly, by and by,  
And for their guilt's no amends will make,  
Then must they need the craft forsake;  
And no masons craft they shall refuse,  
And swear it never more to use.  
But if that they will amends make,  
Again to the craft they shall never take;  
And if that they will no do so,  
The sheriff shall come them soon to,
And put their bodies in deep prison,  
For the trespass that they have done,  
And take their goods and their cattle  
Into the king's hand, every part,  
And let them dwell there full still,  
Till it be our liege king's will.
Another Ordinance of the Art of Geometry.
They ordained there an assembly to be held,  
Every year, wheresoever they would,  
To amend the defaults, if any were found  
Among the craft within the land;  
Each year or third year it should be held,
In every place wheresoever they would;  
Time and place must be ordained also,  
In what place they should assemble to,  
All the men of craft there they must be,  
And other great lords, as you must see,  
To mend the faults the he there spoken,  
If that any of them be then broken.  
There they shall be all sworn,  
That belongeth to this craft's lore,  
To keep their statutes every one  
Where that ever thou dost work,  
When thou hearest the mass toll,
Pray to God with heart still,  
To give thy part of that service,  
That in church there done is.  
Furthermore yet, I will you preach  
To your fellows, it for to teach,  
When thou comest before a lord,  
In hall, in bower, or at the board,  
Hood or cap that thou off do,  
Ere thou come him entirely to;  
Twice or thrice, without doubt,  
To that lord thou must bow;  
With thy right knee let it be done,
Thine own worship thou save so.  
Hold off thy cap and hood also,  
Till thou have leave it on to put.  
All the time thou speakest with him,  
Fair and amiably hold up thy chin;  
So after the nurture of the book,  
In his face kindly thou look.  
Foot and hand thou keep full still,  
For clawing and tripping, is skill;  
From spitting and sniffling keep thee also,  
By private expulsion let it go,  
And if that thou be wise and discrete,
Thou has great need to govern thee well.  
Into the hall when thou dost wend,  
Amongst the gentles, good and courteous,  
Presume not too high for nothing,  
For thine high blood, nor thy cunning,  
Neither to sit nor to lean,  
That is nurture good and clean.  
Let not thy countenance therefor abate,  
Forsooth good nurture will save thy state.  
Father and mother, whatsoever they be,  
Well is the child that well may thee,  
In hall, in chamber, where thou dost go;
Instruction on Good Manners
Good manners make a man.  
To the next degree look wisely,  
To do them reverence by and by;  
Do them yet no reverence all in turn,  
Unless that thou do them know.  
To the meat when thou art set,  
Fair and honestly thou eat it;  
First look that thine hands be clean,  
And that thy knife be sharp and keen,  
And cut thy bread all at thy meat,  
Right as it may be there eaten,  
If thou sit by a worthier man,
Then thy self thou art one,  
Suffer him first to touch the meat,  
Ere thyself to it reach.  
To the fairest morsel thou might not strike,  
Though that thou do it well like;  
Keep thine hands fair and well,  
From foul smudging of thy towel;  
Thereon thou shalt not thy nose blow,  
Nor at the meat thy tooth thou pick;  
Too deep in cup thou might not sink,  
Though thou have good will to drink,  
Lest thine eyes would water thereby--
Then were it no courtesy.  
Look in thy mouth there be no meat,  
When thou begins to drink or speak.  
When thou seest any man drinking,  
That taketh heed to thy speech,  
Soon anaon thou cease thy tale,  
Whether he drink wine or ale,  
Look also thou scorn no man,  
In what degree thou seest him gone;  
Nor thou shalt no man deprave,  
If thou wilt thy worship save;  
For such word might there outburst.
That might make thee sit in evil rest.  
Close thy hand in thy fist,  
And keep thee well from "had I known."  
Hold thy tongue and spend thy sight;  
Laugh thou not with no great cry,  
Nor make no lewd sport and ribaldry.  
Play thou not but with thy peers,  
Nor tell thou not all that thou hears;  
Discover thou not thine own deed,  
For no mirth, nor for no reward;  
With fair speech thou might have thy will,  
With it thou might thy self spoil.
When thou meetest a worthy man,  
Cap and hood thou hold not on;  
In church, in market, or in the gate,  
Do him reverance after his state.  
If thou goest with a worthier man  
Then thyself thou art one,  
Let thy foremost shoulder follow his back,  
For that is nurture without lack;
When he doth speak, hold thee still,  
When he hath done, say for thy will,  
In thy speech that thou be discreet,  
And what thou sayest consider thee well;  
But deprive thou not him his tale,  
Neither at the wine nor at the ale.  
Christ then of his high grace,  
Save you both wit and space,  
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Halliwell Manuscript, or Regius Poem

The Halliwell Manuscript, also known as the Regius Poem, is the earliest of the Old Charges. It consists of 64 vellum pages of Middle English written in rhyming couplets. In this, it differs from the prose of all the later charges. The poem begins by describing how Euclid "counterfeited geometry" and called it masonry, for the employment of the children of the nobility in Ancient Egypt. It then recounts the spread of the art of geometry in "divers lands." The document relates how the craft of masonry was brought to England during the reign of King Athelstan (924–939). It tells how all the masons of the land came to the King for direction as to their own good governance, and how Athelstan, together with the nobility and landed gentry, forged the fifteen articles and fifteen points for their rule. This is followed by fifteen articles for the master concerning both moral behaviour (do not harbour thieves, do not take bribes, attend church regularly, etc.) and the operation of work on a building site (do not make your masons labour at night, teach apprentices properly, do not take on jobs that you cannot do etc.). There are then fifteen points for craftsmen which follow a similar pattern. Warnings of punishment for those breaking the ordinances are followed by provision for annual assemblies. There follows the legend of the Four Crowned Martyrs, a series of moral aphorisms, and finally a blessing.[3]

Fifteen articles there they sought and fifteen points there they wrought. Part of Regius Manuscript
"Fyftene artyculus þey þer sowȝton, and fyftene poyntys þer þey wroȝton." (Fifteen articles they there sought and fifteen points there they wrought.) —Regius MS, ca. 1425-50.

The origins of the Regius are obscure. The manuscript was recorded in various personal inventories as it changed hands until it came into possession of the Royal Library, which was donated to the British Museum in 1757 by King George II to form the nucleus of the present British Library.[4] It came to the attention of Freemasonry much later, this oversight being mainly due to the librarian David Casley, who described it as "a Poem of Moral Duties" when he catalogued it in 1734. It was in the 1838–39 session of the Royal Society that James Halliwell, who was not a Freemason, delivered a paper on "The early History of Freemasonry in England", based on the Regius, which was published in 1840. The manuscript was dated to 1390, and supported by such authorities as Woodford and Hughan, the dating of Edward Augustus Bond, the curator of manuscripts at the British Museum, to fifty years later was largely sidelined. Hughan also mentions that it was probably written by a priest.[5]

Modern analysis has confirmed Bond's dating to the second quarter of the fifteenth century, and placed its composition in Shropshire. This dating leads to the hypothesis that the document's composition, and especially its narrative of a royal authority for annual assemblies, was intended as a counterblast to the statute of 1425 banning such meetings.[1]
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
If anyone thinks FreeMasons are a Conspiracy theory, watch this. And now that you know that they exist, understand that they don't run the world, and just because some rappers use their symbols doesn't mean Satan wants to eat you.

This is kind of a dark part of Civilization that no one talks about, but in the past, it was believed that when you built a structure for a building, it was considered best to use a human body in the foundation. Many old churches around Europe and other places still have markers with the name of people buried in the foundation of different churches and tons of Ghost stories exist to this day because of these bodies in these buildings. Sometimes it is a knight or a monk, but usually it is a church. This idea still exists in regular culture when people talk about building things on Indian Burial grounds.


That version of Building no longer exists, but the groups that built those building still exist. Such as, the Catholic and Protestant Churches. And there are still building methods that are used that have meaning similar to that of putting a body in the foundation.


The first example is the Cornerstone, which people sometimes use as Time Capsules. Any large building usually has a Cornerstone somewhere, I have seen them in places like Airports and Libraries.


According to myth, there was a man named Hiram Abiff. He was the Grand Master in control of building King Solomon's temple, but there were three Wage earners who wanted to earn more money for their work and decided to tell Hiram they would go to other nations and pretend to be Grand Masters themselves if he did not pay them more. So they went to the temple where he prayed and blocked the 3 entrances. One of them met him on the East side and demanded to be named master, but Hiram told him that he could not teach him those things without permission from the King of Tyre and King Solomon. So the worker slit Hirman's throat with a 24 inch measuring gauge, and when he turned away from his attacker, he met another one of the workers at the South door who hit him in the chest with an Architecture's square. He turned again and was hit with a Mallet/Gavel at the West door. He died and they carried in through the West door and later buried him in a 6 ft grave and they fled. 9 other workers had backed out of the plan went to the Grand Master wearing White Aprons and White Gloves as tokens of innocence, When the 3 were found, they suffered horrible deaths. No one knows if this myth is true, because the temple was destroyed in 597 BC, according to Ancient Historians.


During the Hellenistic Era, the cult that held these "Mysteries" was spread out of Crete and Egypt, Mithraism came from Babylon, and then the Roman government eventually adopted them as their Government religion until Christianity took over. This can be found by searching the "Mithraic Mysteries" to see the Roman Government or "Minoan Genius" to see the ceremonies being done in Crete.


Emperor Constantine Converted to Christianity in 312 AD, and commissioned the people in the Government religion to build the Churches of Rome, which started a tradition of Giant stone Churches and strange Symbols on the Churches that are sometimes not related to Christianity at all. During this time most people could not read, so when they built the churches they built them so that people would learn from the Symbols. For example, in the early church the Choir would stand behind a screen/veil that only allowed the people to get glimpses of them, which would make them feel more like they were angels or souls. This is still used in Catholic Confession boxes.


Within 300 years, these groups were making Churches all over Europe, and by 1217 they had adopted the French name for "Stone Craftsman" which is "Maszun", and by 1292 they were commonly using Huts to store their tools and eat meals, that they would call the "Lodge". These groups became well established and the government hired them to build everything from military forts, to palaces. Around 1220 the Masonry industry became Unionized, and there were guilds setting the prices of work in different areas. They were not allowed to join together like this to control the prices, so they had to meet in secret.


Trade Guilds would make new Masons follow a set of rules known as "Charges", which included things like never playing Cards, except for during the 12 days of Christmas. The Church demanded loyalty from these groups, but they held on to the Ancient Mysteries that came before the church.


Around this time there were 7 Crusades by the Church, and the "Poor Knights of Christ" became "The Knights Templar". Which was a central part of supply of Knights and Mercenaries in Europe. This is the group that worshiped Baphomet, and who Christians claim worship the Devil. This group was forced in to the shadows by the Catholic church after they were tortured and confessed to Heresy, at which point some of them were burned like witches.

An Important Document to these groups is known as the Regius Poem. It claims that the group started in Ancient Egypt with Euclidean math. But their work can be found on Churches all over Europe before 1400.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
E=MC2 proves that "Energy = Matter at the speed of Light", this is how the sun works and Atom bombs. They "Split Atoms" to create energy, and then do it all over again and again and again.

And according to Einstein, if you sit on a train and look at a clock-tower that is behind the train as it moves, you will actually not see the clock tower in your time, you are seeing it slightly in the past as you move away from it in the train. Likewise, the people that are walking around the train are supposedly moving faster than you in time, and you are aging slower than them by the very very slightest because there is a time differential. If you travel at light speed, the Light coming from the Tower to your eyes will never reach you, and everyone around you will age while you do not. Supposedly, if you travel light years away at light speed, the Universe will dramatically age around you.

Then Steven Hawking has proposed "Imaginary Time". I do not understand the Math behind it, but the idea is that there are multiple time lines, and we just happen to be on a certain time line. Supposedly, there are others, and there is math behind this and without it Quantum mechanics can not be tied to statistical mechanics.

Once aspect of time that used to be common but has mostly been lost are "Kairos" and "Chronos". Chronos time is like "A watched pot never boils" and Kairos time is like "Time flies when you are having fun". So you can cause time Dialation just by accident
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Everyone start looking into the VIDOCQ SOCIETY it is a good Model for a Secret Society

In this, VSM Stands for Vidocq Society Member

If you simply can't accept that Secret Societies exist, Google "Shriners Hospital for Children". Then Google "Shriners Temple in my Town".

Then watch this

If anyone thinks that when people in the Government currently are saying "There is a Secret Society in the FBI", that sounds funny, like they are putting on Waterbuffalo hats and drinking. That is where it starts, then something crazy happens, and you are all in and can't tell anyone else; like a Murder. Then you are all doing crazy things, and this is in the FBI.

I'm not saying that this group killed Scalia, but they exist. A "Secret Society of Elite Hunters"

And if there is a group like that, making this investigation about Trump instead of Guccifer 2.0, then that is kind of serious.

I assume the FBI Secret Society is like this group, but also Mormon and “Witch Hunters” aka Jesus Police, mentally obsessed with certain things like Hoover was
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Btw, since I sent in the DEA Petition around Thanksgiving, I have been nice and I have been giving them time because it is the Holidays, but now New Years is over, so if I don't receive a Response, I will do the same as the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church and take the DEA to Federal Court for not Responding. And the Federal Court is guaranteed to Comply and will make the DEA Respond or come to Court. And the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church was not in a State that had Recreational (let alone Religious) Marijuana, which we are. And the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church did not have the DEA accepting Registration for New Marijuana Importers, as of August 2016 (Google: "Federal Registry Marijuana Importers").

So they will probably just comply once the Federal Court is involved.

Contradictions in Law that will be decided in my Court Cases

1. The UN Declaration of Human Rights provides a person the Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Conversion; and the Ability to not only believe but Practice. And the supporting Conventions and Treaties provide the same, as well as the ability to Make and Use Articles of your Faith.

2. The UN Psychotropics Convention States that all Schedule II and lower substances (Cocaine, etc) are Free for Religious Use, but that Schedule I plants can only be used by Native Populations.

3. The OAS 'American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man' also provides for the protection of Religion, as well as the people's benefit and use of Scientific Discoveries as a Right.

4.The US Supreme Court says that if a Treaty Violates the Constitution, that the part of the Treaty that does not follow the Constitution will be struck down in US Courts. So basically, if they can't get it into Codified US Law, then the part of the Treaty that doesn't fit, doesn't fit.

5. The US Constitution States that Congress can not write a Law that Prohibits Religion, and the US Courts have said that Congress must first "Enact a Law, Attach a Penalty, and Give the Courts Jurisdiction" in order for a decision to be made in Court.

6. The Controlled Substances Act says that the only Exemptions are Medical.

7. In the case Gonzlaes V O Centro, the Supreme Court forced the DEA to create a process for Religion.

8. Congress enacted the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer Amendment which protects Dispensaries, and the Cole Memorandum lays out the Guidelines (Jeff Sessions overturned this Memorandum today, and has yet to replace it, so the R-B Amendment is the only thing Dispensaries have left, if Congress even renews it for 2018).

9. The Colorado State Constitution provides any Citizen over the age of 21 the Right to grow 6 Marijuana Plants, and provides Dispensaries and Manufacturers the ability to grow Hundreds or Thousands.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11

I am not going to take Credit for this, but in the past 2 months I started getting really loud about telling people to make Town Coins, and Company Coins, and Country Coins. And right after I create Temple Coin, Kodak announces that they are going to launch (not have, going to launch) a Currency.

And now, Venezuala is making a Currency.

This is exactly what I needed to happen and have been telling people to do.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Also, we are going to be doing some stuff with HyperLedger soon.

That's the stuff IBM has in their Commercials, but isn't telling you about.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
And there are only like 3 people on Bitcointalk that have any Temple Coins, and it is an 8% proof of Stake, so we don't even need Miners for Temple Coin. Everyone else with Temple Coins is from Facebook, and there are 100+ Temple Coin holders
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
We are a Facebook coin just btw, we only came to Bitcointalk to get Miners.

Read this Facebook page to read about the past month or so of Temple Coin operations

ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ ॐ

Temple Coin ॐ[TMPC]ॐ is a Scypt Coin, Proof-of-Stake (PoS) of 8% per year. The ICO started on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, so we already have a Community and are simply presenting that Community to the Bitcoin World.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Kodak is launching a Coin

Supposedly Telegram is launching an ICO, but there is no Website yet, and any website should be considered a scam for now, this one has a video and says to consider them rumors; not official

This is the future of Currency, when Google has a Coin, then your neighbor will start a Coin for his T-Shirt shop, and your Mayor will want a Coin for your Town, and McDonalds will be giving you mining instructions instead of Monopoly pieces, and then we move into the Future.

All of you people making random Coins, like PotCoin or NextCoin or Hyper or any of these Pointless Coins that have no purpose. One day maybe a person with a purpose will use your Blockchains and Fork it or Clone it, but you are nothing but a Programmer.

The Future of Coins is not surrounded by Programmers, it is simply supplied by them.

Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 118 US 394 (1886)
Before argument, Mr. Chief Justice Waite said: "The court does not wish to hear argument on the question whether the provision in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which forbids a State to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws, applies to these corporations. We are all of the opinion that it does."

Citizens United v. Federal Election Comm'n 558 U.S. _ (2010)
Corporations and unions may establish a political action committee (PAC) for express advocacy or electioneering communications purposes. 2 U. S. C. §441b(b)(2). In McConnell v. Federal Election Comm’n, 540 U. S. 93, 203–209, this Court upheld limits on electioneering communications in a facial challenge, relying on the holding in Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, 494 U. S. 652, that political speech may be banned based on the speaker’s corporate identity.

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. 573 U.S. _ (2014)
"The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) prohibits the “Government [from] substantially burden[ing] a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability” unless the Government “demonstrates that application of the burden to the person—(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.” 42 U. S. C. §§2000bb–1(a), (b). As amended by the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (RLUIPA), RFRA covers “any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief.” §2000cc–5(7)(A)."
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Also, while I was first learning how to make Coins, I found this Compiler Scrypt

And we are planning on creating more of those, if anyone wants to start going through all of our stuff and automating the process, we are going to start making it where people can just go on a Website, fill in some things, click "Build" or whatever, and a Coin pops out the other side.

And we are going to do it for a lot of different kinds of Coins.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
I just found this Ethereum Guide that explains setting up the Blockchain, choosing your Ethereum Release you want to use, creating a Wallet, making Smart Contacts, and making a Block Explorer.

So Akasha आकाश will exist soon. We will launch it within a week or so.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11
Btw, we are doing Graphene next.

Obtaining and Running Graphene

Graphene is Open Source software available on GitHub. The root repository may be found at the Cryptonomex site. There are three projects to be cloned: graphene, graphene-ui, and fc. OCI’s GitHub page includes forks of graphene and graphene-ui, which serve as our research base repository. You may clone OCI’s copy of graphene by visiting and
Comprehensive build and deploy instructions for both kits are included in their respective file.

Graphene ships with three executables: the witness_node, cli_wallet, and genesis_util. Once built, you can try running a witness node. Note this example shows how to run the witness node with command line options. 

dhcp19:graphene phil$ cd programs/witness_node
dhcp19:witness_node phil$ ./witness_node --rpc-endpoint --enable-stale-production -w '"1.6.0"'
2560491ms th_a       main.cpp:126                  main                 ] Writing new config file at /tao_builds/phil/projects/blockchain/phil/graphene/programs/witness_node/witness_node_data_dir/config.ini
2560511ms th_a       witness.cpp:89                plugin_initialize    ] witness plugin:  plugin_initialize() begin
2560511ms th_a       witness.cpp:99                plugin_initialize    ] key_id_to_wif_pair: ["GPH6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV","5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"]
2560511ms th_a       witness.cpp:117               plugin_initialize    ] witness plugin:  plugin_initialize() end
2560512ms th_a       application.cpp:357           startup              ] Replaying blockchain due to version upgrade
2560512ms th_a       application.cpp:254           operator()           ] Initializing database...
2560518ms th_a       db_management.cpp:51          reindex              ] reindexing blockchain
2560518ms th_a       db_management.cpp:104         wipe                 ] Wiping database
2560549ms th_a       object_database.cpp:87        wipe                 ] Wiping object database...
2560549ms th_a       object_database.cpp:89        wipe                 ] Done wiping object databse.
2560549ms th_a       object_database.cpp:94        open                 ] Opening object database from /tao_builds/phil/projects/blockchain/phil/graphene/programs/witness_node/witness_node_data_dir/blockchain ...
2560549ms th_a       object_database.cpp:100       open                 ] Done opening object database.
2560560ms th_a       db_debug.cpp:85               debug_dump           ] total_balances[asset_id_type()].value: 0 core_asset_data.current_supply.value: 1000000000000000
2560560ms th_a       db_management.cpp:58          reindex              ] !no last block
2560560ms th_a       db_management.cpp:59          reindex              ] last_block: 
2560562ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:ntp tid:123145365336064
2560562ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:p2p tid:123145366409216
2560566ms th_a       application.cpp:143           reset_p2p_node       ] Configured p2p node to listen on
2560568ms th_a       application.cpp:195           reset_websocket_serv ] Configured websocket rpc to listen on
2560568ms th_a       witness.cpp:122               plugin_startup       ] witness plugin:  plugin_startup() begin
2560568ms th_a       witness.cpp:129               plugin_startup       ] Launching block production for 1 witnesses.
*                              *
*   ------- NEW CHAIN ------   *
*   - Welcome to Graphene! -   *
*   ------------------------   *
*                              *
Your genesis seems to have an old timestamp
Please consider using the --genesis-timestamp option to give your genesis a recent timestamp
2560568ms th_a       witness.cpp:140               plugin_startup       ] witness plugin:  plugin_startup() end
2560568ms th_a       main.cpp:179                  main                 ] Started witness node on a chain with 0 blocks.
2560568ms th_a       main.cpp:180                  main                 ] Chain ID is 0e435e3d20d8efa4e47fae56707a460e35c034aa2b0848e760e51beb13b3db04

After you get the node running, you can connect to the node using the cli_wallet. In a second terminal window, run the command line wallet application.

dhcp19:graphene phil$ cd program/cli_wallet
dhcp19:cli_wallet phil$ ./cli_wallet
Logging RPC to file: logs/rpc/rpc.log
2838642ms th_a       main.cpp:120                  main                 ] key_to_wif( committee_private_key ): 5KCBDTcyDqzsqehcb52tW5nU6pXife6V2rX9Yf7c3saYSzbDZ5W
2838649ms th_a       main.cpp:124                  main                 ] nathan_pub_key: GPH6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV
2838650ms th_a       main.cpp:125                  main                 ] key_to_wif( nathan_private_key ): 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
Starting a new wallet with chain ID 0e435e3d20d8efa4e47fae56707a460e35c034aa2b0848e760e51beb13b3db04 (from egenesis)
2838655ms th_a       main.cpp:172                  main                 ] wdata.ws_server: ws://localhost:8090
2838726ms th_a       main.cpp:177                  main                 ] wdata.ws_user:  wdata.ws_password: 
Please use the set_password method to initialize a new wallet before continuing
2838792ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:getline tid:123145506545664
new >>>

At this point, you can use the help command to explore how to use the wallet interface.
Activity: 98
Merit: 11

They are older Coins, they should all be revamped. We need more Coins like those, but part of 1 big network under Temple Coin.
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
DO you by any chance know why in orthodox Christianity the cannabis is disgustingly called "shmal'"?
In order not to repeat full Bible scenario, it is caused by resurrection by erection!
Well, that sounds awfully far from Gods light, I hope we won't stray further from salvation in the future!
jr. member
Activity: 84
Merit: 2
DO you by any chance know why in orthodox Christianity the cannabis is disgustingly called "shmal'"?
In order not to repeat full Bible scenario, it is caused by resurrection by erection!
Activity: 112
Merit: 10
DO you by any chance know why in orthodox Christianity the cannabis is disgustingly called "shmal'"?
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
You always prey for your own Gods, and your Gods help you!
But Buddhism isn't theistic religon.
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