I only recently (~1 month ago) started intensively buying BitQuarks with my VERY small and limited resources. Also I'm cpu mining as I don't have cool video card and noone bothers to make compute 2.1 version. If You decide to switch algo, I'm selling everything, unsubscribing from this thread and deleting wallet.
I see that BTQ is most promising quark coin. Every algo has it's main coin, quark doesn't have it yet, AFAIK. quark coin was distributed very fast and now it's hard to acquire it, there are big bagholders, etc. Bitquark has HUGE advantage in this field. As there are enought coins left, I think, just get as much BTQ as You can and the rest of the world will jump in when they feel like it. Currently there is only 830K coins, so coin has enought time to live. Remember, BTC for it's first year was mostly mined only by satoshi. Just my 0.00000002 BTC.
I agree and after much thought, BTQ's algorithm will go unchanged...we as a community will make BTQ the most successful Quark algorithm coin!!
There is still 3 1/2 years of mining left before block reward halving takes place...so we have plenty of time!