
Topic: [ANN] Clickfight - The Arena Bitcoin Game - Faucet Game - page 33. (Read 41616 times)

Activity: 79
Merit: 0
Erst mal ein dickes dankeschön.

Seid nun fast einem jahr darf ich dabei sein.
Und habe auch sehr viele nette stunden im spiel bislang verbraucht! Viele sehr koreckte leute gefunden und freundschaften geknüpft. Werde sogar fürs spielen mit paar cent täglich belohnt. Bislang auch recht guter und schneller support. Auch verbessrungen die man vorgeschlagen hat sind bislang schnell und gut umgesetzt worden. Auch updates folgen nicht nur ab und zu, sondern wir kommen uns nicht alleine gelassen vor dank immer wieder neues sachen.
Ich weis es wirklich zu schätzen eure mühe alles am laufen zu halten!
Nochmals vielen lieben dank leute!!!

Jedoch gibts leider auch was zu meckern.

Als erstes diese heiss geblieben sche**s recaptcha. Ich habe leider noch nicht zusammen gefasst wann wieviele kommen. Jedoch ist es leider so (zufall oder nicht) das ca eine captcha pro stunde, können auch ab und zu gerne mal 2-3 direkt in folgen kommen, dann meistens mitten im kampf (wenn solche looser wie Bohdan dann wegrennen) wo man nicht mal schnell die captcha lösen kann (auch die 5 minuten sind im kampf ruckzuck vorbei).
Als anderes gutes beispiel im darknet, komplette arena voll mit rootkits und dann gibts die captcha flut.

Leider ist es so die regel, was mich dazu verleitet hat nun mein unmut zu verkunden.

Mit glück hat man zudem dann (momentan ich nicht)  das problem das man 4-5 mal diese blöde suchbilder machen muss um erfolgreich recaptcha zu lösen.
Wird langsam leider nicht nur nervig sondern macht langsam nicht nur mich aggressiv.

Der nächste punkt den ich bemägel will wäre das system, ich fand es seltsam das der top mann jeka7 seid fast 2 jahren dabei sein soll, ich jedoch schon nach 6 monaten die gleichen stärke im spiel errungen habe. Mich wiederrum jemand genausogut parolle bitten kann der grad mal 2-3 monate dabei ist.
Ich muss daher leider sagen, das man sich als Oldie im spiel da doch verarscht fehlt.
Wozu zeit und arbeit investieren wenn es nichts bringt im endeffekt.

Dazu kommt das mitlerweile die vorher relativ mühseelige farmerrei der cryptos für alle slots samt besten equitment nun billig dank event auf schnellen weg. Bekommen kann. Bzw jeder neuling genauso schnell wie wir Oldies bn4 sammeln kann.
Ein kind was soldat wird bekommt in der regel ja auch nicht das sturmgewehr zum 6. Geburtstag.

Was ich persönlich nun jedoch richtig schade finde, Pay2win... Ja auch ich habe etwas gekauft, ich dachte das es eher ein donate mit kleinen giveaway sein soll. Jedoch musste ich dann schon beim 2. Event feststellen das man maximal 4 bn4 ohne wort wörtlich alles zu verballern an guter munition möglich gewesen ist. Jedoch jedes mal aufs neue sich 5 bn4 kaufen kann.

Viele werde wie ich euch wohl gerne auch gelegendlich etwas zurückgeben wollen. Aber solch ein Pay2win kann man auf jedenfall sein lassen!
Donate by avatar wäre da doch bestimmt genauso leicht um zu setzen und würde garantiert um einiges aktraktiver sein.

Und zu guter letzt, die sache mit fehlenden arena lvl. Ja die events waren jetzt erst dran. Versteht denke auch jeder das sowas zeit kosten im "programmieren" und ausdenken.  
Jeder der 18 geworden ist und seinen führerschein bekommen hat will doch direkt los fahren.
So gehts jeka (länger als mir) und mir schon seid ner guten zeit... Wir werden denke auch beim kommenden update direkt auf das nächste warten können um unser erspieltes lvl nutzen zu können. (wozu Also so aktiv sein?)

Ich könnte das positive auch ausführlicher beschreiben. Jedoch denke ich ist es eher angebracht die persönlichen unangenehmlichkeiten etwas genauer zu erläutern um es besser zu verstehen.

Ich danke auch am ende nochmal vielmals!
Super arbeit und netter support!
Normalerweise zahlen ich für nen spiel und dann nochmal extra um es mit anderen online zu spielen ;-).
Also ich weis es wirklich zu schätzen!

use my refferal and i can help you to grow fast at the beginning, tipps it gives 4free
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
There is a server error
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Happy New Year

2018 is slowly ending and the 2019 is going to start soon.

You therefore can find from today until tomorrow midnight special exploits.

Good luck finding them.

And don't forget the winter event is ending on the 07.01.
Use your chance to get as many event coins from them as possible and use those in the black market to buy the best equipment!

Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Our weekly competition has started almost 1 hour ago and will go on until midnight!

Therefore, you still have enough time to join and give your best to recieve your part of the rewards.

We are giving away 70,000 satoshi in total!

Also: Don't miss our winter event. It is going to end on the 07.01.19.
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Don't miss our winter event!

It still goes on until the 07.01.19. You have the chance to discover three new NPCs in the arena, giving your rewards and the event coins.

Buy the best equipment in the black market - but only with the event coins!

Get therewither either stronger faster or even stronger than you are now.

Through getting stronger you'll raise your chance to receive rewards in the next competition!

Join now and get the maximum benefit from this event.
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Our weekly competition starts in 1h!

We are giving away 80,000 satoshi to the top 30 players!

Our winter event is still ongoing - and ends on the 07.01.19.

During the event you'll have access to the black market. But you first have to get the event coins to buy the best equipment in the black market.

You receive these event coins from the event NPCs in the arena.
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Today is the 4th day of the winter event!

Join now and fight the three new NPCs in the arena.
You receive event coins upon killing the event NPCs - use those to buy the best equipment from our game.

All in all, the current event NPCs are weaker than the last event NPCs as snow isn't the strongest material.

You get therewith either stronger faster than normal or get even stronger than you are now!

Join now and get the maximum benefit from this event.

And we are giving away 80,000 satoshi in total to the top 30 players in our next weekly competition, starting on this Sunday at 10:00 and ends at midnight
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
The winter event has started yesterday.

You can now find three new NPCs - one giving you helpfull equipment ( to help lower level players to get stronger faster), a bit stronger NPC and one even stronger than that.

But - as Snow isn't the strongest material - all NPCs are weaker than in the last event.

You receive our event coins from the event NPCs. Use them to buy the best equipment in the black market. Be changed the price and the amount of event coins you receive from the NPCs, so that you have the chance to buy more from the black market.

Join now and get the maximum benefit from this event.
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
The winter event has started!

The event has started only a few minutes ago. You can now find three new NPCs for the next three weeks in the arena.

Buy the best equipment in the black market with the event coins!
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Our winter event ist starting soon!

It is going to start today at 21:00 (UTC+1) and ends in three weeks, on the 07.01.

You'll find three new NPCs during the event an going to receive our event coins. Use those to buy the best equipment in the black market.

Therefore, join now, start right at the beginning of the event and get therewith the maximum benefit from the event!
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
I hope are all giving your best in our current competition.

Join now and give your best to receive your part of the 65,000 satoshi form the competition!

And our winter event starts tomorrow at 21:00 (UTC+1)!
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Join now and get through tomorrow's competition great rewards such as satoshi!

In total we are giving away 65,000 satoshi to the top 20 players.

Our winter event will start this monday ( 17.12) at 21:00(UTC+1) and ends on the 07.01.19!

You receive event coins through the event NPCs - use them in the black market to buy the best equipment!
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
More information regarding the Winter event!

When will the event start?

-  The winter event will start this Monday, 17.12.18, at 21:00 (UTC+1) and is going to end on the 07.01.19.

You therefore have 3 weeks time to use the event to either level up faster - if you just joined - or to get even stronger and show everyone that you are the best!

Not only will you get the chance to discover frosty...

There will be 2 more NPCs. As in our previous events, every level will have a NPC that brings the most benefit.

Just like in the last event you are going to receive the event coins from the event NPCs to buy the best equipment in the black market!

Don't forget: You can only access the black market during the event!

Join now and get yourself prepared for the event. And get the most event coins and buy the best equipment from the black market.
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
The Winter Event

You'll be able to see three new NPCs during the event.

You have the chance to receive the event currency - named event coins - from all of those event NPCs.

The black market will open right at the beginning of the event but will close at the end of the event!
You can buy the best equipment from the game there, but only with the event coins!

Join now and get yourself prepared. On this Sunday is our weekly competition and the event will start shortly afterwards.
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Not only will there be new NPCs during the event..

The black market will be open again - but don't forget, you can only access the black market during the event.
You'll be able to buy the best equipment from our game.

Activity: 424
Merit: 10
We are detecting suspicious activities in our arena.

As the days past, it's getting colder and colder...

It seems that there are new NPCs appearing soon in our arena... but only for a short time!

More precise information will be released very soon.
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Weekly Competition!

Our weekly competition has already started - but only a few hours ago.

Join now and give your best in todays competition.

We are giving away 70,000 satoshi in total and the top 25 players are receiving rewards!

The competition ends today at midnight.
Activity: 424
Merit: 10
Hi jeka.

First I want to congratulate to reaching more than 100 Million XP!

I therefore understand that you whish to have the new arena levels. They are going to come, but we already have events etc. planned and want to launch them first.

I hope that you understand that.
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
it's time to open new arenas 20-21-22
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