is CC2 POF (prove of folding) only or hybrid POF+POS ?
Good question! We haven't yet decided on whether PoS (or a similar system) will be used at all. It complicates thin-client support, but might act as a nice counter-balance for the certificate blockchain system in a "jigsaw-blockchain" (where several types of blocks are all required to exist in some capacity in a given period of 'n' blocks).
Curecoin 2.0 uses a mini-blockchain which drastically reduces the footprint of the blockchain (and makes thin clients very lightweight), implements quantum-computer-resistant cryptography, and will have an as-close-to-decentralized-as-possible distribution mechanism for folding rewards.
Wow, this is an important and useful evolution for future. Reducing blockchain's footprint is really useful in future when blockchain grown. This is the main issue of most coins that we have to download 100GB or more in order to perform any transaction in the wallet.
We're excited about it! Cryptonight pioneered the idea, and we see tons of value in it. While there will certainly be archival nodes which maintain a full history (blockchain explorers, etc.), being able to maintain a blockchain that grows with # of users rather than # of transactions should certainly be valuable!