Cure cancer? You mean create Big Pharma drugs. This is worse than mining pointless algorithms. Terrible.
Your Big Pharma skepticism maybe somewhat warranted, but it's not just about cancer (or even medical research).
The laws are set up to ensure companies who purchase patents based on university research must "use it or lose it"
(although arguably that can be difficult to enforce).
Recent Fields of study for FAH Include:Non-Medical Fields Studied:Bio-Fuels and Custom Enzymes for industrial processes like making bio-degradable plastics
Bio-Energy (cellulase enzymes with long lifetime at high temperature)
Exo-Biology research like the Miller–Urey experiment recreated in-silico
uncovering 600 previously unknown organic molecules.
General polypeptide Folding Machinery (we might be driving cars made out of proteins one day))
Computer Science - Managing and securing the worlds largest supercomputer (outside of Bitcoin)
Recent Diseases Studied:Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
Huntington’s Disease (HD)
Cancer (breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer)
Chagas Disease
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI)
Diabetes Type II (on your Chrome browser)
Antibiotic Efficacy and development
Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
Viral diseases
Pandemic Influenza
Bird Flu
Ebola (listed for the Android Folding App)
Also consider that certificate based blockchain technology makes CureCoin adaptable to many other DCN projects like:
- earthquake prediction
- weather modeling
- mineral resource location prediction from satellite data
- astrophysics
- even distributed crash test simulation and mechanical tolerance FEA
If nothing else, consider this a way to share the wealth of Big Pharma,
and a way to actually steer and fund new research NOT covered by government grants.
This opens up a feedback loop for innovation: other links of interest:
Full index of over 600 active FAH projects: (56) Work Assignment Servers in a FAH Worldwide Consortium: