"Wow this thread is huge, the coin will be a great success. There is a strong demand ..."
I can't hear it anymore.
No, this thread is full of shit, if you want to find really useful information, you are looking for hours.
Till now, i read every single posting, but now i give up, it's to much time consumption.
The strong demand is because of getting something for free, not because all user understood the big potential of this coin.
Most user didn't even read the OP.
Maybe this coin will be a great success, but then, because of the clever and generous acting from the devs, not because of the biggest bitcointalkthread ever.
I concur but unfortunately this wont stop, the rule requires 10 post count per week to be eligible, people will rack them up any which way they can. Join the slack I'm sure more constructive and productive conversations will transpire.
Joined the slack already, my wish is, that people also write in other threads, the whole bitcointalkuniverse is there and even in foreign language threads are available.
I am sorry for the dev, really, he/she must read every single post in the next 39 weeks