I transitioned to DMDV3.0 via the original transition guide using method 2: http://bit.diamonds/DMD_2.0_to_3.0_guide.pdf
My DMD were transferred over on the 14th, and I've got what I believe to be incoming cloudmining transactions up to the 18th. My balance is correct and everything looks fine to me, only notable difference to me is that the wallet labels didn't carry over, and my address isn't shown as a receiving address.
Now seeing everyone urged to do the short transition on the OP which is a bit different then method 2 from the original guide. Do I need to wipe my current DMDV3.0 install and do a clean one now using the short transition guide, or am I good?
hi ygung
its strong suggested u follow the new migration guide
keep using a wallet.dat from old wallet have a risc involved
i dont suggest everyone to take even if it looks like ok on a quick view
important is that u make no transactions or whatever with the old wallet.dat inside
the new DMDv3 wallet to not risc losing coins in addresses u wont have access when the worst case happens and the wallet.dat get corrupted
close the wallet rename the wallet.dat to wallet.dat.old
restart wallet
a new wallet is generated
now u can start import private keys from old DMDv2 wallet following the guide
u can have both clinets the old and the new running same time and just dump and import the keys one by one
after finished u should again have full balance but based on a native v3 wallet.dat
when finished do ur protection and backup work (encrypt wallet and backup wallet.dat )
then u should be ok