This is a real world project and of course nothing is safe ever, but it has the way more chances to succeed than any other project in cryptoworld.
Even BTSX is valued 60 million close after launch. Ether will be bigger for sure.
That´s not all, there are people programming apps right now, so Ether won´t start as a simple blockchain and empty promises.
If you still believe you will get rich because you mine a 0815 crapcoin and it will be worth 8 billion like btc...WAKE UP!!! Now the big project are coming in, with serious money and attention of Silicon Valley. Time has changed.
Instead of spreading FUD about something you don´t understand you should watch some videos with Vitalik and co. It will blow your mind. Beside these guys Mark Zuckerberg looks like a retarted dumbass. They really know what they are doing.
And I don´t care what the price right after IPO is, it will be a good win, but I won´t sell anyway. I am goin to retire in 10 years with Ether, when it will play in league with Google and Apple.
Right. Because Ripple retired so many people. lol.
Vitalik is a frontman for VCs. He may be smart, but there's a lot of other smart devs in crypto.