If a new guy in crypto world wakes up this morning and decides to invest into ETH. He sends his btc to poloniex, gets himself 100 eths. He then downloads mist wallet and clicks onto YES I SUPPORT THE FORK when wallet starts the first time. He then withdraws his 100 eths to his new wallet address. Is this person safe from a replay attack or not.
The common sense tells me that he is safe since he is operating on the forked chain with an address that never existed before the block 1920000 but I want to make sure and check with the community. I don't want to make a mistake and scratch my head afterwards.
Thanks guys!
Somebody please, thanks!!!
You're not safe as you have already sold your ETC following the wrong advice from die hard forkers.
Neither of the chains is safe as both are now susceptible to replay attacks as long as they exist in parallel. Stronger chain is less susceptible while weaker chain is more susceptible. As etc chain is getting stronger every day forked chain will experience replay attacks more and more often.
To resolve this situation one of the chains has to implement a hard fork. Since Classic chain won't do that the only option is Forked chain to implement a hard fork... again.