Shiftdev if you want to be respected, at least show your real Bitcointalk ID. You really think this is going to help your project? You know, you could have just contacted us like an adult. I really thought your project was dead and abandoned for good, or I would not have mentioned it. I don't spread FUD.
I know for a fact that pharesim and cbkr are amongst the most trustful people within the crypto scene, and with the best intentions. What you are saying makes no sense.
At this point you are even dragging Pharesim and Cbkr's names into the mud for no reason. Maybe you can't understand that, but think about it. You really can't see why your own community threw you out? Is it maybe just possible that you are the problem and not everyone else? I know you can't see it, but your being anonymous and unhinged at times is why almost nobody trusts you or wants you around. That is also why SHF did so poorly, your lack of transparency. Nobody trusts anon devs. They have tricked us all too many times.
No you drag them into the mud by telling their stories about their disagreement with your opinions on how to run things, which is obviously not ethic. The community of SHF want a person that has no leave for being sick, it is that simple. Talking about trust, i can tell you a thing or two about the pump teams behind you and your former currencys, if you want to? Dont lie to the EXP community by shitting on SHIFT and your goals with your 11 million in premine, just dont and i will leave this thread. You are aware of the people that are behind the pump of EXP, and you say nothing. You also lied about EXP developed more than SHF.
You mean Blocknet and such? Guess what? I wasn't on the team, wasn't paid a satoshi, and I hardly traded it. I wanted to join Supernet, all public knowledge genius, and that was another problem I had. They came up with Blocknet without even asking me if it was a good idea, Xander was also not asked and that is why he quit HZ at once, I stuck around feeling betrayed a bit. Feel free to talk about it all you want, I was never a part of Blocknet or XC. I spent more time promoting Darkcoin actually, and I wasn't a part of them either. You are clueless.