To do:
- update github (psycodad wants to change sth so i wait if it's still the github we used to use)
- update website
- pools: Is there anybody who can tell us, which pools are working correctly? I heard some mumble that some pools are forked again, but this might not be true. I will sort out the wrong pools then.
I also think, like psycodad, that we need TIPS to be traded against LTC or a similiar coin like XMR (coin with less value than BTC). I used to have some email contact with bigger exchanges but sadly they seem not to be interested in adding TIPS yet
Regarding github, the link will stay, Ahmed is owner of that repo but gave me write access so I could replace some images, clean up a bit and make some simple fixes for i.e. textual errors. All further work on the wallet will happen on this above link/repository. Please remove the old github link as soon as you can.
On another note: There is a semi-official IRC channel on #fedoracoin and there is a tip-bot that will tip some tips in the next days...