I would have believed that prediction myself. If generic garbage like reddcoin and asiacoin, and even totally broken and forked copycat coins like whitecoin could get significant investment and speculation attention (which always leaves them worth more than before they were pumped) then something with actual interesting capabilities like FLT sure could have. But .. those coins have functional communities run by people who understand the value that a community brings to a coin. That money going into those coins should have been FLT's to use for development and paying bounties etc, but instead we sit around content to make extremely helpful smart ass one-line joke responses to people foolish enough to mention the elephant in the room and suggest ideas to deal with it.
There is nothing stopping you from stepping up and trying to help organize the Fluttercoin community. Our team would greatly appreciate this and support your efforts. We hang out in#fluttercoinpool on freenode often as well. Come in there and chat with us and other FLT supporters.