We are currently analyzing data
As you should be aware, there are pyramid schemes created by big Telegram’s Airdrop & Bounty advertiser AFFECTING the crypto community.
We are ICOEthics and our mission is to investigate claims and/or abnormalities against people or companies that are creating Fake ICOs and scamming the crypto-community.
We do follow leads to investigate and we also perform independent investigations based on listed ICOs/Tokens on diverse web sites.
Our investigation is at our own cost to help protect the crypto community, and we do not accept payments from third parties to investigate any ICOs/Tokens.
We are sorry to inform you that we found some abnormalities on your ICO/Tokens, and we would like to ask you to provide an explanation to your customers.
Please explain the following questions based on the following contract(s) listed under your name:
Address public wallet =
0xdac15794f0fadfdcf3a93aeaabdc7cac19066724 TOTAL SALES on your web site (graphic see picture)
10,117,785.58 GEX Which is ( x $ 0.20) =
$ 2,023,557.116https://icoethics.com/imgs/greenx/greenx%20chart.JPGON Etherscanhttps://etherscan.io/address/0xdac15794f0fadfdcf3a93aeaabdc7cac19066724#readContractIt show a complete different information:
Address 0xdac15794f0fadfdcf3a93aeaabdc7cac19066724
TOTAL SALES $ 274,647.77 (282 transactions to 30 addresses)
https://icoethics.com/imgs/greenx/greenx%20sales1%20etherscan.JPGhttps://icoethics.com/imgs/greenx/green%20x%20etherscan%20sales%20chart.JPGPlease explain this situation because
your numbers doesn’t match and it look like someone is inflating the sales
from $274k to $2million dollars.Your company will lose the trust of customers/investors and the community if you don’t explain and make the corrections.
You should NOT add your airdrop/bounty tokens to the sales because they weren’t sold. That will inflate the price as well.
And bellow is our Telegram conversation for the records.
Thank you!!