Meet our
HARA Field Agents around Indonesia!
Since last July to August, our Development Team shared their stories while visiting our Field Agents on the Districts of Sugihwaras, Ngraho, Sumberejo, and Sukosewu in Bojonegoro. With a minimum access to the remote areas, HARA successfully saved the moments with these pictures.
Armed with
official letter of duty, handphone and HARA t-shirt as special identity, all Field Agents are finally ready to continue their jobs to help farmers join HARA Ecosystem by assisting farmers in registering their profiles and continuously collecting agriculture data throughout the farming cycle of cultivation, harvest and post-harvest seasons. Smart contracts award tokens to these data providers in the form of loyalty points, and the farmers can collect incentives (such as discounts on fertilizers and seeds) through local partners also in the HARA ecosystem.
In our recent update, HARA is now active in six different regencies where we have attracted over 5600 farmers and have tagged an area of over 1100 hectares.
Be part of our journey to make a better world with HARA by joining our
Telegram Community. Thanks!