if you were convicted criminal? do you still have to apply thru Trustlogics?
A person with criminal records will definitely have a hard time looking for a job, but it's still worth a shot to try and pass a resume. Some employers still give chances to an ex convict, and these kinds of employers we can never tell, but if someone who has a criminal record would be able to find one on Trustlogic then that must be fate and a blessing from someone who is starting to make a new life again.
That's right, Criminal records are not a barrier to have a better jobs for them, this projects is for all the jobseekers and even if they have an bad record in their past they have an right to be employer somedays.
Yes we understand your point, but you cannot blame the employer if they are doubted about someone who has that kind of record. Besides i am also excited to what and how will they handle this kind of situation and issues, because there is also no point to be optimistic when we don't know what would be the employers feelings towards the employees.
I do agree. It's the company's right to have policies on how they can hire people who have criminal records. I think it will not be considered as discrimination because it is the company's discretion if they will welcome people who have criminal records.
People with disabilities have proven themselves in different fields what they can do. there are paralympics nowadays that prove that disabled people can still participate in sports, that they can still be competitive and that they can do something beyond their physical limitations. I usually see disabled people working in the government offices as they are given high priority here for them to be able to sustain their financial needs. They may have some limitations in some aspect and maybe slow in movement but in the end they are still able to deliver the service that are given to them.