If he terminated his job, would it relate to Trustlogics? can he be downplayed or depending on the grounds of the reason for his satisfaction? What
if you were convicted criminal? do you still have to apply thru Trustlogics?
A person with criminal records will definitely have a hard time looking for a job, but it's still worth a shot to try and pass a resume. Some employers still give chances to an ex convict, and these kinds of employers we can never tell, but if someone who has a criminal record would be able to find one on Trustlogic then that must be fate and a blessing from someone who is starting to make a new life again.
And not all having a criminal record is a real criminal, besides they do some things for their family. I hope that some people like having this case was given a chance to have a proper work.
That's right, Criminal records are not a barrier to have a better jobs for them, this projects is for all the jobseekers and even if they have an bad record in their past they have an right to be employer somedays.
I must agree that some convicted criminal well have the right way to find a job and decent life if will truly pass the all neccesary recquires ducoments regarding to their personal background check and need to passed also to health professional councel regarding to their ability if will fit also to this case, like mentally health ,emotionally health,and physically fit ,that need to be required almost of employer despite in traditional way process,,I think this condition is will be a great challenge to trustlogics if this kind of jobseeker will be encounter, do you think trustlogics will handle it?
Yes we understand your point, but you cannot blame the employer if they are doubted about someone who has that kind of record. Besides i am also excited to what and how will they handle this kind of situation and issues, because there is also no point to be optimistic when we don't know what would be the employers feelings towards the employees.
I do agree. It's the company's right to have policies on how they can hire people who have criminal records. I think it will not be considered as discrimination because it is the company's discretion if they will welcome people who have criminal records.
You got it. Its their right to reject or not any applicant whom they think will not be good to their company or the job they offer but i was wondering. Maybe only me, in the country where i am right now, they prioritize hiring applicants with physical disabilities. As long as their disabilities do not affect the effectiveness of their work they are in. Like for example, a lame person can work in the office as long as he possesses the skills the job needs. Even older applicants like the retirees are hired if they apply. I wonder if applicants have to put this disabilities also?
I believe they have too because if not, their present conditions will eventually be found out by validators even if they disclose it since they will be verified.
. I wish my country is like the country you are talking about
Ahuvali. In my country applicants with physical defects of disabilities have no room for employment. Even if they are the most intelligent applicant, they will always be passed by and left unnoticed.
These system has been started since the beginning in your country, i doubt it will change unless the president will make and implement a specific law that gives priority for the less privileged to be hired like the crippled and the lame. I heard that in some places people who have inferiorities like Down Syndrome are even given a chance to work and earn a living even those who have problem with speech. They also have the right to live and they cannot be shouldered by their parents all their lives and not even by the country.
I agree with you BitFinnese, there's nothing wrong with disability persons, the problem is if you have a criminal records?
sample like in our house you looking for a household chores to help you in doing everyday , the first question came into my mind is, if there is a criminal record, is this a good person even a simple citizen need that.
For me what a sense of the companies background checking.
every people have their own skills,
on this trustlogic, people are all welcome to showcase their skills and talent.
they have the credential to show.
even they are PWD they can work, they can't have the credentials and certificates if they didnt prove it! they have the capability to do it that is why they got it.
this opportunity is for all of the people of every country in this world.