The most loved benefit to be gained out of working at home doing online jobs is that it’s open and its overflowing
opportunity. Countless of multi-talented individuals loved working in online jobs because they could make choices of
whatever they love to do and what they are good at. They could concentrate on one job and thus able to make good output. Now there's a Trust Logics give them a chance to all jobseeker.
Many employees specially if you are Mommies and Daddies doing online jobs love this You get to work at home, you don’t need to dress up and put on make-up.
No traffic because you don’t commute. You get to set your own pace and working hours. Take care of the household in
between or before work without afraid of being late and absent from your workplace. Trustlogics is the big help in our country they want to lessen the unemployment.
But the dis advantage of this Online jobs come with no added extra benefits like health insurance plans. Online jobs workers are called contractors so as a contractor you don’t get to have employee’s benefits.
What can Trust Logics do their employee to have benefits .
You know what mate why don't you re read their whitepaper anyway. Here is the :
OverviewTrustLogicsTM is aiming to develop a hybrid approach to its blockchain solution: a private blockchain to store and retrieve data with user-set
permissions; and a public blockchain to record transactions. A REST API wrapper will be implemented on top of the private blockchain for
read/write operations. Such an approach would not only help us in scaling for millions of users globally, but also be complaint with user
privacy rules. Hyperledger will serve as the private blockchain (to store data), and Ethereum will serve as the public blockchain (to record
transactions). Hyperledger will be cloud-hosted on Amazon AWS with the necessary libraries and API end points. Blockchain technology builds
on some basic business concepts like: Business networks that connect business; assets flow between those business networks; transactions
describe those asset exchanges; participants submit those transactions and are also the owners of the assets; contracts define the rules for
transactions; and the ledger is a log of all transactions. Blockchain technology provides a shared, replicable ledger with extremely useful
attributes – consensus, immutability, finality, and provenance.
as you can see everything was detailed all in there isn't?