Reading TrustLogics Whitepaper. Is "Jobseeker/Applicant" can be a "Peer" if he recommend other applicant on that specified job?? I'm way curious if TrustLogic makes an account for every duties like accounts for the Applicants and accounts for the Peers.
In the way of your curiousity,the current platform of trustlogics,which system have a provision to create two different types of user between Recruiter and Jobseeker that may have services operate depending on the type of user, the user-defined the permission ,that you will be at 100% percent secured from your personal data.
will really?,,,what is the main function platform of trustlogics to blockhain technology? can you explain this?
The main function of blockchain technology to trustlogics,are aimed to develop a hybrid approach from its its blockchain solution which is a very private,to store and retrieve data with user -set permission,and while the public blockchain will be record to transaction,therefore the function of A REST API wrapper will be implemented on top of the private blockchain for
read/write operations. Such an approach would not only help us in scaling for millions of users
globally, but also be complaint with user privacy rules.
wow its amazing, project of trustlogics platform ,i will give a big tumbs- up for that,,,that could be trust, and I hope this project will be succeed,,,due to when its seems to be a white and read for a wahile my eyes will glimpse, because we can really help more people to find the right jobs according to their educational background and for almost a lot of people who wants to job
seek immediately in,with trustlogics you can trust logically.