Congratulations to the newbies and smart crypto investors! The first light of the new dawn is already here. Very soon the table will turn around and a whole new game will be started all over.
Let the foolish sacrifice. The new world shall belong to us.
Or must I say that the crypto bubble is actually popping? If people can comprehend that no economic doom has ever completely happened within a single day, but a prolonged period of unnoticed time instead. Will a hunter alert his prey before triggering his shot?
I dont think that alts are overvalued, in my opinion still undervalued. Many Many new Users coming every day.
Valuation is relative and most of the value of these tokens come from speculation. I think the ALtcoin market is over valued, how many of these tokens actually has a working platform talkless of generating revenue. Most of these projects will soon go under soon because they won't be able to generate revenue to support their working capital and you will be surprise to see the burn rate of these projects, very ridiculous