I've noticed https://intense.hashvault.pro using a new laylout/site setup.
Secondly I have a question. With some cpus...erm lying around doing nothing I get 1.8 khs mining monero xmr-stak-win64
since this algo isnt cryptonite lite algo...or some other version.
With intense friendly cpu mining software i get a bit less. ~1400
What would be the best CPU miner for intel and intense out there?
Im also using GPU so don't say anything about not using cpu....it's 1.8 khs lying around doing nothing
I am using xmrig, with donations set to 1% instead of the default 5%. I find this pretty easy to use and am getting 400 hash/s on [email protected] Ghz(4 threads - HT-off) and 455 hash/s on [email protected](6 threads - ht-off)
Though the website looks weird, my miners are still submitting shares... fingers crossed ;-)