Any plans available to get Intense coin to another exchange? I am not the biggest fan of stocks exchange.
Agree. Cryptopia is the best way.
Either cryptopia or kucoin those two are big enough exchanges it could handle the volume, and the fee on those websites isn't anything ridiculous I don't believe.
I agree as well. Cryptopia would be a great place to buy/trade itns. with all the bounties and give-aways could have probably paid for a listing by now.
I agree with your points regarding other exchanges however we will be announcing some information regarding It is a very professional exchange, we are in direct contact with their CEO, they are based in Ukrain with multiple servers in diferent locations and has you can see by other coins volumes they can handle good volume. Could they have a better UI? Yes... Could they improbve their Exchange? Yes... Are they trust worthy? Yes...
Also i have to say that i disagree with your argument that we could have paid a listing fee in cryptopia by now with all the give aways... Yes true we could ( i will leave for another time the argument if cryptopia deserves a $75K USD listing fee ), however we would not have done 4x on all our community metrics... Slack, discord, twitter and bitcointalk... I believe that first should come community growth and product development instead of speculation...
With all of this said, i will keep working to get us listed on more exchanges that are recognized by the community with good track record but i have to remind that Stocks.Exchange is a very good exchange with a very good support and volume.
Fair enough, and i do agree Stocks has worked great for a small exchange. I also agree that building the community should be high priority. But it feels a little too much of a slow growth and a little less Intense
haha i kid,, keep up the good work .
hard to be patient when you are sitting on something you know could be so huge.
Thank you for the support mate, i really appreciate it... ahahah its a slow start, the best is yet to come
"could be huge" corrected to Will be Huge!
Reading the whitepaper, I am curious about this:
users interested in utilizing the peer-to-peer VPN as clients will select network users meeting their criteria in terms of price/rate in ITNS, location and speed
Does this mean users will select exit nodes on a user-by-user basis? Won't that mean potentially having to choose from thousands of exit nodes? Even if there is a parameters search.
Is there any plan to allow users to select a range of parameters, e.g. preferred price range, locations, speed ranges etc, then have the connection selected automatically? And dynamically switch if disconnects or performance is too low?
My main interest in a decentralized VPN is dynamic connections like that. Using VPN in China sucks so hard, constantly disconnects and having to switch exit nodes manually which is a pain. Would be great if it happened automatically.
Yes, we will make this process user friendly and dynamic. Just bear with us
Hi, Devs! Who are your advisors?
Currently the only announced Advisor is Vladimir Jirasek, that also holds the Project Manager Position, and we plan to announce more in the beginning of 2018.
I'm one of those 17 lucky. But I don't see bounty in my wallet.
Those that match the min requirements will get paid most likely in 24h